US Navy Crew List

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USS Harry E. Yarnell (CG 17) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Harry E. Yarnell (CG 17). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 612 crew members registered for the USS Harry E. Yarnell (CG 17).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1965 | 1966 – 1969 | 1970 – 1971 | 1972 – 1974 | 1975 – 1976 | 1977 – 1979 | 1980 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 – now

Reed, KevinMM21989 – 1991AHad a lot of fun on the Yarnell and made some good friends. A couple of the big things I remember most are visiting Poland during the Black Sea cruise and losing the anchor in San Tropez.
Sherman, RogerIC21989 – 1993CSI
Lowe, CraigIC3Jan 1989 – Jan 1991Eng then CS
Roach, GaryDC3Jan 1989 – May 1992RLots of great memories
Henggeler, DavidMMFNFeb 1989 – Jan 1992A
Conrade, KeithGMM3Mar 1989 – Apr i was young stupid and loved every minute of it. time of my life!!!!
Schrader, KevinYN3Mar 1989 – Apr 1992AdminWhat an amazing time 88 til decom.
Oiesen, ToddEM2Mar 1, 1989 – Jul 1, 1992ENGINEERINGGreat crew
Montgomery, JohnMM3Mar 8, 1989 – Jun 15, 1992EngineeringThe greatest crew i could have ever served with
Schrader, KevinYN3Apr 1989 – Apr 1992AdminHello to all my old shipmates, I have a contact list of about 100+ of us from 88-decom going please contact me at Fair Winds And Following Seas
Gatewood, MichaelBMApr 1989 – Nov 1991DeckHad a blast. Med Cruz, balt ops. I also remember the Missle staying on the Aft launcher. HOw about our trip across the Equator
Munro, DavidLTJGSep 1989 – Aug 1992EMOWho could forget 3 section duty forever after Z took command?
Pratt, DaleCG 17Sep 1989 – Dec 28, 1990A-GangMed Was the best! North Atlantic was not! I was cranking for the captain We were on Emergency Refuel B4 a storm we Hit a swell while doing emergency breakaway could someone pleas tell me the degree of roll we took I was medivac 2 azores!
Moshier, PaulMSCSep 16, 1989 – Mar 28, 1991Supply SS02Retired in Aug. 2000, Living in sunny Miami, Florida.
Galbreath, BillFCOct 1989 – Oct - no one can say we didnt have any fun.....
Jennings, WesleyEM2Oct 2, 1989 – Oct 1, 1993Engineering
Pickard, ClaytonQM1(SW)Nov 1, 1989 – Sep 30, 1993OPS / NAV / NXPicked up the Harry on deployment in 1989. Balt-Ops 2 yaers in a row followed up with the "Cruise of a Lifetime" in 1992. SNFL waas great. Who will forget nabbing the Moose in Lisbon and holding it hostage until we reached the Azores! Great
Pickard, ClaytonQM1(SW)Nov 25, 1989 – Oct 1, 1993Had a blast on Harry. What can I say....Balt-OPS 2 years back to back. SNFL cruise in 92. What a way for this great ship to go out. Had a lot of great times and a lot of great memories!
Brown, CharlesGMM2(SW)1990 – 1991
Foster, HoochE-5 FC21990 – 1993
Margeson, JeffOS21990 – 1992OIGood times...great friends...wish we could have kept in touch!
Turkett, MichaelTM21990 – 1993SonarWhat a blast!
Young, RichardEW31990 – Sep 23, 1993OpsThe most memorable time for me was shellback initiation and going thru the locks between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
McClinton, KenneyFC21990 – 1992FC
Cave, ShawnE-4/FC3Jan 21, 1990 – Jun 17, 1993Combat SystemsHad an awesome time while on board the Yarnell. I also had some of the most memorable times in my life. Sure had some fun times and got to see some amazing things. It was an honor to serve aboard her.
Hulse, RockyCWO2Feb 1990 – Jun 1993OpsLots of good memories of some great Sailors onboard the Happy Harry!!
Hudson, CharlesRM3Feb 15, 1990 – Jun 10, 1992OperationsOne of the greatest times in my life. I got to see the world and hangout with some cool peeps. My email address is
Goines, EddieSTG3Mar 1990 – Jun 1993SONAR/TORPEDOMANGotta admit the best time in my life,met some great friends.Hope all are doing well.Still the spades and domino champion!
Potter, WilliamRM3Mar 1990 – Mar 1993RadioReported on board in Alexandria, Egypt at the end of Med Cruise. Had a good time on Baltops 90 & 91 and SNFL 92. A lot of great memories and fun. There are shipmates that I do miss and could do without.
Gore, RandyOS2 (SW/AW)Mar 12, 1990 – Oct 29, 1993OILots of good memories while on board. Would have stayed in if the others stations were as good. Crossing the equator (back when hazing was still expected) was probably the most memorable time.
McCauley, ScottEM3May 1990 – Oct 1993eBest command I ever served on. Great time crossing the equator
Miller, Stephen, SteveQM3May 1990 – Aug 1991OpsWhat a great ride! The experience of a lifetime. From Aruba to Helsinki, and many points in between. Johnny B. Goode, Chief Porter, Captain Z., QM's Pickard, Lacy and all the rest, you guys were awesome!
Blake, MikeOS2Jul 1990 – Oct 1993OILots of memories and good people. From the nights sleeping on the O-4 level while doing drug ops in the warm Caribbean air, BALTOPS, and the SNFL cruise, there are unreplaceable memories.
Taggart, WilliamPNSNJul 20, 1990 – Dec 22, 1992ADMINMy time aboard USS Yarnell was the one of the Best Times of my Life!!. SNFL 92 was an awsome cruse with a geat crew. TM2 Turkett was my best friend and shipmate. Being awarded NAM was my finest memory.
Garza, ChrisRM3Aug 1, 1990 – Jun 15, 1993OCGreat time on the HEY! Haze grey and always underway.
Whaley, StevenSeamanOct 14, 1990 – Jul 10, 1992Boiler , SeamanLike everyone else said it was a great command alot of fun and a great way to grow up fast when leaving home for the first time... lot of great friendss
Robbins, SteveFC2Nov 1990 – May 1993Conbat Systems
Fay, Time-5/bt2Nov 1, 1990 – Jul 2, 1992eng
Mitchell, Stanley OS-2Dec 1990 – Oct 1991 OperationsI enjoyed working on the Yarnell and had some really good times. I made a lot of friends. I went on one Med. cruise and a Balt. ops. I Remember Dog, Baer, and others. My e-mail is

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1965 | 1966 – 1969 | 1970 – 1971 | 1972 – 1974 | 1975 – 1976 | 1977 – 1979 | 1980 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 – now

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