US Navy Crew List

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USS Leahy (CG 16) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Leahy (CG 16). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 494 crew members registered for the USS Leahy (CG 16).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1965 | 1966 – 1970 | 1971 – 1973 | 1974 – 1976 | 1977 – 1979 | 1980 – 1982 | 1983 – 1984 | 1985 – 1987 | 1988 – 1989 | 1990 – 1991 | 1992 – now

Kraft, JohnMM21977 – 1979M
Kratzer, Paulftm21977 – 1981fire controlhey timby
Murphy, MikeOS21977 – 1980OIA WestPac to remember, with a great group of guys.
Schmidt, KarlYN31977 – 1980AdminWestpac of 1978 was a wild ride...grounding and all...a bit sad to see her decommissioned.
Jeff Joseph, JoeGMM21977 – 1980GMSome of the best times of my life ,wouldn’t trade it for anything
Henson, Robin (Tex)MM2Jan 15, 1977 – May 10, 1980M DIVISION
McGirr, JamesSNFeb 2, 1977 – Apr 14, 1984mess specilist
Jim, LalondeOS3Mar 1977 – Oct 1978Operations
Goodwin, JerryICFNMar 10, 1977 – Mar 17, 1978ElectricalWhat a time, wouldn't trade the experience. some of the best times I will remember forever. Came onboard while ship was in dry dock / long beach, calif.
Saturday, HarveyOSCApr 1, 1977 – Sep 14, 1979OII still have picturesof the hull damage in sept 1978. I saw Capt. Pearlman at dam neck in1980
Kelley, EverettBT3May 1977 – Aug 1979
Brock, ChuckDS 2Sep 1977 – 1979ODLeahy on the rocks....funny now but not so much when it happened. Fastest water tight setting on record. Was along time ago but seems like only yesterday. Somethings you just never forget, especially the good ones.
Levi, MarkOS2Sep 1977 – May 15, 1981OIDoes anyone know where the sonar dome goes when the rocks rip it off from the bottom. Great 3 1/2 years. Port disco fan room was a great hang out. Camping at Lake Sai, visiting Tokyo. Who could forget Diego Garcia, etc..
Carson, MikeOS2Sep 10, 1977 – Sep 10, 1980OILeahy was the best. I have published poems about Leahy, Shipwreck, Typhoon, characters and we had 'em and we had a ball! See wildman59 on Yahoo!
Scott, Paul (Scotty)BTCSep 19, 1977 – Nov 23, 1980B-Division We had the best BT"S in the Navy , Thank you for all your hard work.
Shestock, MichaelFTM2Oct 13, 1977 – Oct 29, 1978FCWent on board the Leahy just after she came out of the yards in Long Beach. Went through all of REFTRA, NWAT, NTPI, OPPE... RIMPAC etc then left her to go to ANSPG/55B MOB 8 accelerated C school in Mare Island
Ker, ShaunPN3Dec 30, 1977 – May 1, 19819/21/78-"Leahy on the Rocks", long night but nobody died. All the best to Klinge, Christian, "Red" Martin, "T", Rick, Karl,all the guys who played "Subic Bay Bowl" Xmas 78 and especially, all of you on the r
Croissant, TomSTG3(2)1978 – 1980Served aboard her during the grounding incident in Japan. She was a proud ship and recovered beautifully. She taught me the sea. Fine crew.
Vanzile, DonHTFN1978 – 1979R-1
McCurley, MikeGMT11978 – May 1979ASWCame aboard GMT1 Asroc LPO ASW Division and Master at Arms. Been trying to locate Jim Medlock in Supply and operated the Laundry and Ships Store.
Caro, MichaelOS 21978 – 1981OSYes Mark Diego Garcia was the best!
La Tourette, TonyRM1Jan 1, 1978 – Aug 30, 1979I remember the race with the USS Horne, and the time we ran aground in Tokoyo Bay. Of all the ships I served on Leahy was the best. Also had a blast with the ships softball team
Brown, BillyDS1Feb 1978 – Aug 1981OELoved it while I was there. Tight knit group.
Timby, ChrisSTGSNFeb 1, 1978 –Anti Submare Warfare (ASW)My brother Jeff and I also experienced Leahy on the Rocks in Yokosuka WESPAC 78...a shout out to Mike Campbell, Bob Burns, Jeff Hunt, Paul Kratzer, Al Johnson, Darrell McGee - grace and peace- may His truth set u free
Christian, TheodorePNSNFeb 1, 1978 – Nov 30, 1979X
Thornock, SteveMM2Feb 25, 1978 – Feb 25, 1981Had fun with all. Japan was kinda boring after running over the break water and ending up in drydock.
Brantley, KirkBT-2Mar 19, 1978 – Jun 15, 1981B ENGThose were great days working with a great team. Enjoyed my time serving. I was in the forward boiler room when we ran aground in Japan. I still have the pictures from the repairs.
Jim, ArnoldMM2Apr 15, 1978 – Apr 29, 1984MAlso served in A division. They were the best of times, they were the worst of times. And I wouldn't change a thing.
Gaskin, StevenLieutenantMay 1, 1978 – Jun 1, 1981Gunnery, EWWhat a great experience!
Monti, TabBT-1Jun 1978 – Jul 1984BMany great memories. Many great times. Many great places. Many great Sailors. She looks so sad sitting there in Benicia. She needs to be free!
McCurley, MikeGMT1Jun 7, 1978 – May 18, 1979ASWLPO
Hendrickson, ChuckENFNJun 10, 1978 – Jul 18, 1978A-Gang
White, Brianms3Nov 1978 – May 1980supplyhey shipmates contact me in Chicago
White, Brianms2Nov 17, 1978 – May 4, 1980supplythe best co/ex ever had to serve with capt ulrich co and cmdr finn/great friends lots of fun times
Costelloe, Kevin TET1Dec 12, 1978 – Aug 13, 1982OEBest Ship I ever served on.
Kovach, JeffHT2Dec 22, 1978 – Jun 12, 1981RServing on the Leahy was one of the best chapters in my life. I wouldn't trade those memories for anyting. VERTREP, UNREP, PARTYREP man those were some good times. Great crew. I miss you all.
Johnson, A.l.SN1979 – 1980FirstFirst command,what a blast,Looking for BM3 Steven Roshto
Benson, SamDS21979 – Apr 1983ODHad a great time on two west pac's. Great people, some good memories.
Galliher, PatrickOS21979 – 1980OI
Franks, Robert (Bob)JOSN1979 – 1981Admin and DeckEnjoyed my time on the "Sweet Sixteen", learned a lot and made great friends! She taught me to love the sea...
Viver, RobertoEM31979 – Apr 1981E DivisionRetired Registered Nurse
Flickinger, Steven C.E-5/BT2Jan 1979 – Feb 1984BThe greatest Cruizer with an awesome crew. Was proud to serve aboard her.
Farley, KimOS2Feb 1979 – Nov 1981OI
Evans, ZacharyBM2Feb 1979 – Mar 1981Deck
Brown, Richard / RDFTM1Jun 1979 – Jun 1983FC
Halsey, MatthewBT2Aug 1979 – Jul 1982BI served on many ships in the Navy, but the Leahy was the most memorable. I was privileged to serve with many of her crew again at other commands and still keep in touch with a few of them to this day.
Farley, KimOS2Nov 1979 – Dec 1981OI

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1965 | 1966 – 1970 | 1971 – 1973 | 1974 – 1976 | 1977 – 1979 | 1980 – 1982 | 1983 – 1984 | 1985 – 1987 | 1988 – 1989 | 1990 – 1991 | 1992 – now

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