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USS Benjamin Stoddert (DDG 22) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Benjamin Stoddert (DDG 22). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 620 crew members registered for the USS Benjamin Stoddert (DDG 22).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1964 | 1965 – 1967 | 1968 – 1969 | 1970 – 1971 | 1972 – 1973 | 1974 – 1976 | 1977 – 1978 | 1979 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1985 | 1986 – 1987 | 1988 – now

Biodrowski, JohnMM31974 – 1976eng
Jnickstorch, Nicke-41974 – 1978Supply
Wilson, Roger profile iconLtjg1974 – 1977M&B then 1stThe green flash was an awesome sight
Dunn, DavidOS3Jan 15, 1974 – Dec 10, 1975OIWestpac 74/75 Indian Ocean , Mombasa, Kenya Viet Nam Evac Have been in touch with Steve Morey and Dennis Caffrey since. I went aboard Bennie Sweat Fleetweek in San Francisco 1981 before she was decomed and went down.
Karr, LeroySTG2Mar 1974 – Aug 1977ASW
Poland, JoelRM2Mar 1974 – Dec 1975operationsGreat ship, Great radio Crew. The chief. can not remember his name. Rm 1, Jordan, Holland and Lee. RM2 2 Simpson and RM2 easy Ed Rollins. My friend RM3 Swindler. Other radioman were Pritchart and Blystone.
Brandl, JohnENSIGN/LTJGMay 1, 1974 – Oct 1, 1976SUPPLYOn board for 1 WestPac & the overhaul in Pearl. Served with LT Roger McInnis and LT Jim Coker. Many memories from a great division including Harold Chambers, Paul Mertel, Don Haskell, Jim Apling and others.
Poland, JoelRM 2May 1, 1974 – Dec 15, 1975ComI was stationed on the reserve DD718 out of Treasure Island Ca. We went to Pearl and I walked up and down the peers until I got a swapp on to the Ben Stoddert. Great move great crew. Great travel. We picked up about 100 refugees of of VN
Spicer, Thomas D.Chief Petty Officer E-7May 4, 1974 – May 30, 1975Damage ControlProud Navy Retiree
Malay, JonLTJGSep 1974 – May 1977First and then ASWWas 1st LT for CAPT Ed Seigrist, then Overhaul Mgr for CAPT Pete Hekman, and finally ASW Officer for CAPT Angus MacDonald. Shout out to STGC Strong and GMTC Robbie Robinson! GREAT RESPECT for all the guys I served with. GREAT experience!
Daniels, Danny DE3Sep 7, 1974 – May 16, 1975mmmombasa kenya vietnam
Faust, JoelFTM2Oct 1974 – 1976F&G
Jacob, MarcFA FN EM3 EM2Nov 1974 – Sep 1981ELots of fond memories, Retired in 94 after 20 years working as a defense contractor in Charleston, SC
Saucier, Marcus (Sauce)EN2Nov 1974 – Jul 1976R-Division (A-Gang)Saw a lot of the world. Last warship to leave the Nam. Too bad she went down under tow.
Cordeiro, JamesHMC/HMCSNov 16, 1974 – Nov 16, 1977MedicalProud to have been a part of this great ship including two WestPacs
Cwynar, Michael D.ET3Dec 1974 – 1976OE
Hoyt, WarrenENFNDec 15, 1974 – Dec 15, 1974R DivisionLooking for a crewman who was sent to drug rehab with me, first name John, can't remember last name.
Pearce, JanRM21975 – 1979OC
Missman, Daveen21975 – 1977A GANGOur group always got it done no matter what
Marquez, PedroMM31975 – 1977MAssigned to Main Control first week I came aboard. MMC Thorpe was my chief and MM1 Gittens was my LPO. I worked with MM2 Skoneke, MM2 Crawford, MM3 Penfield, and some crusty sailors whose names elude me for now.
Barlow, RobertGMG-3/FTG-3 Rate change1975 – 1976Weapons
Noftz, Paul profile iconENS LTJG1975 – 1977A & EWent through an overhaul and WestPac deployment. Met and married my wife in 1977. Served 20 years and after retirement workedas a Project and Program Manager for several ship repair companies the Norfolk VA area.
Reynolds, JohnOS3Jan 10, 1975 – Oct 1, 1975OIJoined crew & OI division in Jan. 75 Subic Bay. Vietnam operation Frequent Wind evacuation of South Vietnam. Memories include playing softball, basketball & football on ships team. Currently retiring from education.
Shepard, DonBM3Jan 11, 1975 – Mar 15, 19771stReported onboard SR and left BM3. Was onboard for operation frequent wind, Viet Nam. Great ship with many memories of being without fresh water.
Riddlemoser, ScottOS2Feb 10, 1975 – Mar 10, 1976OISwapped from USS Goldsborough as Stoddart entered yard period in Pearl.
Pearce, JanRM2Mar 15, 1975 – Oct 9, 1979oc
Harden, DennisOSMay 1975 – Sep 1975OPS/OIThis was my first sea duty after basic & "A" school. She went to the yards and I swapped to USS Davidson going to Westpac.
Belmore, ScottMM3May 1, 1975 – Feb 10, 1977forward enginroomGreat time from Major overhaul 75 to wes-pac 77. shit street rocked Pearl Harbor, Hi Blow-up club in the P.I. ruled (hotel califronia). Had a great time!! Good to see some of us made it. Forward enginroom were steamers not Gleamers..
Sellers, JeffMM3May 20, 1975 – Sep 15, 1977M/EMO2Having retired in 1996 after 22 years, I can say without any reservations that the crew of the Benny Sweat was finest I ever served with.
McCarroll, Thomasew3Jun 1, 1975 – Oct 1977oewasn't the easiest guy to get a long with. kind of a rebel w/out a clue.still working out . chiropractor now. my friends knew who they were. learned alot bout myself. wouldn't trade my time on the BENNY SWEAT
Fryer, DavidSK3Aug 1, 1975 – Feb 17, 1978SupplyWestpac '77. Crossed the equator golden shellback .00
Falcon, ToddFNSep 10, 1975 – Jan 18, 1977A
Christensen, William (Chris)MMFA, MMFN, MMFA, MMFN, MM3, MMFNSep 12, 1975 – May 15, 1979mOne of the best periods of my life. It trained me for my current occupation. I am a yardbird now. Now I just fix trident subs in WA.
Olson, DavidOS2Oct 1, 1975 – Jul 1, 1979OII can't believe any of you guys can even use a computer. Not after all the chit we smoked. Remember the barracks in '76, how could you not get busted? The Finest DDG in the Fleet and I got Yaryar's T-Shirt to prove it.
Seefloth, CliffHT3/HT2Nov 1, 1975 – Dec 1, 1977R-GANG77 WEST PAC,BEST TIME OF MY LIFE,MISS THAT ! sorry I don't see any other HT'S in the line up.... what's ever happened to chief kelly and HT1 lions, what's up MOE
O'Brien, David "Ob"SEAMANDec 1975 – Aug 19761st.
Beasley, BillBTFN1976 – 1978BThe sleeze is looking for old buddies
Schall, RonPC21976 – 1978ONI was the ship PC (Postal Clerk) for two years. It was an honor to serve with the brave men of Bennie Sweat. I was privileged to report to QM1 Hank Luniewski, the finest man I have ever known.
Drewniak, Stan profile iconBoiler technician E41976 –Boiler technicianHello ship mates If you remember me feel free to contact me
Jones, Patrick (Billy Goat)E3Jan 1976 – Aug 19771st DivisionI was young, and did not use wisdom as I should have while serving. However, even with the silly mind of my youth, some of my best memories are from this time. Would love to find my old friends who served with me.
Claussen, EdBT3Jan 10, 1976 – Jan 20, 1979BIt was The best Time of My life I went on to spend a total of ten years in the United States Navy
Johnson, RogerBTFNFeb 1976 – Feb 1978BMy first command. We were in the shipyards in Pearl Harbor. Loved this ship so much I named my youngest Benjamin.
Muntz, WilliamBMSNMar 18, 1976 – Mar 18, 1979looking for old shipmates b smith he was ht or mm and looking for someone that knows me
Gorham, DougJO3Jun 1976 – Jun 18, 1978admin/nav.oiI was in navigation, oe, and admin. As the first journalist ever assigned to the ship, I started the first newspaper (CATCH-22) and ran the SITE-TV system. I stayed in the Navy for 24 years and retired as a JOCM in '99
Schworm, RichardQMSNJun 1, 1976 – Jun 15, 1978NavigationWhat is my favorite pet's name
Nelson, DonSN BM3 SNJun 15, 1976 – Apr 15, 19791stSad to see the Benny Sweat was decommissioned. Knew it had to happen. Just cut a piece of my life out and sunk it. The crew of Westpak 78-79 helped a kid from Nebraska grow up. Great memories of "The idiots" on deck crew. We were wild!
Binter, Robert (Bob)STGSN, STG3, STG2Jun 22, 1976 – Jan 20, 1980WEPS/ASTwo WesPacs - Golden Shellback
Williams, DannyMM3Aug 1976 – Sep 1978Engineering
Mankle, NickBTFNAug 1976 – Sep 1978EngineeringHad a great time while on the Benny Sweat, Japan, Guam, Korea, Austriala, and of course last but not least The Philippines, my home away from home with family.
Doolittle, Robert DocBMSNAug 1976 – Aug 19781 st
Martinez, EddieBm2Aug 1976 – Aug 19791st divisionI wouldn't trade the time I served with my shipmates for anything. Wish I could meet up with them or hear from them again. Going on 2 westpacs was awesome. The Benny Sweat will be with me forever!
White, Brian profile iconSTG3Sep 1, 1976 – Sep 15, 1978ASTalk about a different environment.... :)
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Encarnacao, Joseph (Joe)SN/GMT3 (ASROC)Sep 4, 1976 – Jul 15, 1979Deck/ThirdMiy first ship, started in deck, struck out and become a GMT (Asroc). Made two West-Pacs including the visit to Tuvalu in Sept 78. Retired in April 2001 as a GMCM (SW) and am currently teaching emotionally disturbed children.
Andrews, Robert MYNCS(SW)Oct 1, 1976 – May 15, 1980Ship's Office - IBest ship I ever served aboard. Met a lot of great shipmates and those that I worked with. Ship;s office gang was the best I've worked with. We passed every inspection because of their hard work. Proud to have served aboard "Benny Sweat
White, BrianE-4Nov 1976 – Nov 1978ASTwo Westpac cruises.
Ashe, EdGM2Nov 15, 1976 – 19791st then GGreetings to all of my old brothers. Man the years have flown by! I still think of all of you as my family, best part of my life. Still serving in the Reserves in Ohio, as of 2010. LOVE TO HEAR FROM ANYONE.
J.r, Benjamin Cervantes .IC2Dec 26, 1976 – Sep 16, 1980Ewent from boiler rooms to I.C. Division

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1964 | 1965 – 1967 | 1968 – 1969 | 1970 – 1971 | 1972 – 1973 | 1974 – 1976 | 1977 – 1978 | 1979 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1985 | 1986 – 1987 | 1988 – now

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