US Navy Crew List

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USS John Paul Jones (DDG 53) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS John Paul Jones (DDG 53). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 207 crew members registered for the USS John Paul Jones (DDG 53).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1992 | 1993 – 1995 | 1996 – 1999 | 2000 – 2003 | 2004 – now

Newland, ChristopherQMCS2004 – 2005NavigationOne of the best crews I ever had the pleasure of serving with. Miss many of you, some not at all. Take care and stay safe. Stay away from the Sea Swap.
Wescoat, DanielAZ3Mar 18, 2004 – Jan 5, 2006Deck
Phillips, Paul JosephFC3Aug 2004 –CF
Cassels, JenniferCTTSNAug 2, 2004 – Aug 2007OTso far i have found this ship to be worse than jr. high in the way people assume things about everyone on this ship, but all in all, it could shape up to be something decent; you never know. i have gained some awesome friends though. rock on!
Perales, NelsonCTT1 / EW1 (SW)Aug 5, 2004 – Jul 21, 2007OTLifer, Grandad, Rags to Riches, Strives to Laugh last, remember USS John Paul Jones = more than 200 people that have your back. Disreguard the unpleasant few. Stand easy, you're amongst the Best of the Best. Friends....
Rogers, Veronica ( Lil Bit)E-5/ OS2Sep 29, 2004 – Dec 22, 2007OIHad some fun times on the JPJ. Surprisingly I made a few friends but others can kick rocks and you know who you are. Since I'm not in Cali anymore if any of you see MS. FLAWLESS tell her to get over herself. OI DIVISION ROCKS!!
Jones, WesSTGCJan 27, 2005 – Sep 16, 2006CA
Emerick, PaulGM2 (SW)Mar 2005 – Jun 2008CA & CGI am proud to have served my country in the military with the best crew and ship in the Navy and I am proud to serve my country now as a teacher.
Rucker, JeffreyFCCAug 31, 2005 –CMSo far so good.
Monroe, JenniferIT1Nov 1, 2005 –IS
Hall, JulieE-5Mar 2006 – Sep 2006GWLiving in Dayton, OH
Verdugo, LauraGSMFNApr 8, 2006 – Sep 13, 2009MP
Lipscomb, ChristopherGMCSep 2006 – Sep 2009CGHad the best division (CG) and Department (WEPS)! Had an awesome tour and some great port visits.
Weinrich, WilliamET2Oct 20, 2006 – 2009CENone
Anderson, JasonGM1Nov 1, 2006 –?? Hope a good one..My god I can't wait to get back to sea..Shore duty is for the birds..We are killers of men and we can't do our job when at shore..
Miller, Katiea (Tiea)QMSNDec 21, 2006 – Jul 24, 2010OIO2So far I am enjoying myself. Many of these people are cool to be around others are a reminder of my high school years. I love the people in my division they are a joy to work with!!!
Kaeding, DavidIC3Jan 5, 2007 – Sep 26, 2009CE
Stanley, LeslieJul 4, 2007 –
Cerami, Terry "twitch"YN1Sep 13, 2007 –ADMINOn my way! See everyone in Sep. My e-mail is
Salinas, AshleyCTTSNDec 2007 –

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1992 | 1993 – 1995 | 1996 – 1999 | 2000 – 2003 | 2004 – now

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