US Navy Crew List

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USS Barry (DDG 52) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Barry (DDG 52). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 195 crew members registered for the USS Barry (DDG 52).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1991 | 1992 – 1994 | 1995 – 1998 | 1999 – 2003 | 2004 – now

Belay, AdamE5/QMMar 24, 2004 – Oct 31, 2006NXI wish I could say my time onboard Barry was a great one but that wasn't the case at all. The enlisted crew was great but the upper chain of command was the worse I have ever worked under. The QM gang was the best I worked with.
Whitted, GregoryCS1(SW)Apr 5, 2004 – Jan 13, 2008Supply/S-2 DivisionThe greatest ship ever Chief Petty Officer T.Newsome I can’t thank you enough.CPO R.Herod for ever my brother. CS3 Oniwbunta GOD is good all the time. My retirement was the greatest.
Shayler II, HowardITSNJan 18, 2005 – Jan 18, 2008OC01As my first ship it seems nice and most people on board are really dedicated to their jobs. To note I hear some of the best CS's are stationed on board.
Teoli, AaronGSM3Mar 7, 2005 – Sep 20, 2008MP
Allred, DanielleET3Aug 24, 2005 – Sep 9, 2009CEIf you are just talking about enlisted people we all get along and work well together, then you throw the upper chain in the mix and it all goes to hell...we are in luck though change of command soon!
Kelley, MarkET3Sep 19, 2005 –CEThis is my first ship and everyone here seems to be pretty cool so far.
Addair, DavidDCFNSep 28, 2005 –Well when i first got here R-div was alright, now it has become a bunch of whiney, back stabbing homos. Outside of the division the ship is shaping up a lot of good people coming in.
Ellis, MeganE4Dec 3, 2005 – Jul 1, 2006
McKnight, MariaFCApr 20, 2006 – Apr 2009
Bates, WilliamSTG3May 14, 2006 – Nov 15, 2006CAFirst cruise, 2008 will be better, world tour sounds good
Russell, GregCSSNJun 1, 2006 – Nov 16, 2007SUPPLY/S-2The ship has a great crew but terrible leaders...very selfish and unreliable often using the navy as a scapegoat rather than for pride. Terrible Drill scedule Tuesday and Friday first thing in the morning!. But the CS's made it all worth i
Kihlmire, BryanDC2Aug 8, 2007 – Jun 8, 2008ERI... I dont know what to do with my hands....
McIntosh, AppleOS3Feb 25, 2008 – Jul 26, 2011OIThere were good times and bad ones. I really like the Navy, It was fun but it is time to move on in my life, it isn't for everyone.
Rimi, VincentET1May 2011 – May 2015CE
Walston, JasonLTOct 1, 2012 –CE

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1991 | 1992 – 1994 | 1995 – 1998 | 1999 – 2003 | 2004 – now

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