US Navy Crew List

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USS John L. Hall (FFG 32) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS John L. Hall (FFG 32). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 260 crew members registered for the USS John L. Hall (FFG 32).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1982 | 1983 – 1987 | 1988 – 1991 | 1992 – 1995 | 1996 – 2000 | 2001 – now

Johnson, BillColonel William F. Johnson USMC, Ret1992 –Not a crew member; Trying to reunite a cruise jacket to a crew member named Gene... with nickname Not a crew member; Trying to reunite a cruise jacket from 1992 with a crew member Gene... with nickname "Missouri"
Smith, JonGMM2Jan 1992 – Jan 1994CS-3Wow alot of good times and good friends
Obrecht, ChrisOSSNFeb 1992 – Jun 1994OPSJust checkin where all you fools went. Got in alot of trouble with some of you guys. Had a great time overseas and watchin reed get saved in Malta. Funny times.
Crewse, JamesRM2May 4, 1992 – May 4, 1996OCBest crew I ever served with! Best ship I served on in 25 years! Retired ITCS.
Hargesheimer, Rob "Hargy"ET2May 10, 1992 – Mar 3, 1995CS 4This ship made sailors out of all of us. I miss all the freinds, and great port o' calls. Fair winds and following seas guys. We will meet again. Oh ya...Curren tell Post I said "HI" 8^)
Logsdon, RichardSK1(SW)Jul 15, 1992 – May 15, 1995S1My last ship.
Newton, RobertPNCAug 5, 1992 – Dec 31, 1996X-1Hey all you out there, Johnny was the place. Even with all the stuff we had to put up with. Really cut my teeth with ya'll. Thanks for all the help, if I can ever help give me a shout at EPMAC.
Davis, Kevin/Davis DoggSTGSA-STG2(SW)Aug 13, 1992 – Jun 3, 1997CS-2Hey Johnny boys! Seems like just yesterday I was cranking on the Johnny. Time has flown by. Some of my best memories took place while I was on the Johnny. Some of the worst as well but it was a great 5 years.
Botard, JimFC2Aug 15, 1992 – Jun 15, 1995CS-3
Harrison, Niles TomaEW21993 – 1998OC but really a part of CSMany good times with the bad, but hind sight makes me appreciate the time I did serve on her. On Med cruises along with Unitas and Caribbean ops, I enjoyed seeing many places that most will never see ...ho dogs!
Coffey, CraigMS3Jan 1, 1993 – Jul 5, 1997S2Well you know how it was if you were there. Wouldn't go back but wouldn't trade a second. That ship help shape into who I am today. First Shaky then Z and finally the full bird for some fun. Looking for old buddies.
Henson, FrankBM3Feb 3, 1993 – Feb 3, 19971stGood Times, Good Friends...Ho Dogs
Henson, FrankBM 3Feb 3, 1993 – Feb 3, 1997
Gonzalez, Salvador (Gonzo)SM3Mar 16, 1993 – Feb 28, 1995OC
Stewart, RussellOS2Mar 25, 1993 – Mar 19, 1997OI
Herron, LeroyRM1Apr 1993 – Apr 1995OCHello to anyone who served on the Hall.
Dwyer, Shane MS4Aug 1993 – Nov 1995S2Little Duke says HI!!! I remember those days well. It was great to see Frank, Mark and Craig on the list. We had some really good times. I am doing really well!!!
Hartman, MarkQMSNAug 1, 1993 – May 10, 1995ON
Billiter, JamieEN2(SW)Aug 10, 1993 – Jun 1, 1998A-GangI am on my 2nd FFG, and I must say that FFG life is the only way to go.I have alot of great memories from the Johnny and FFG life.Thanks and good luck to all who helped and sailed with me.
Curran, GerryETC(SW)Sep 1993 – Oct 1997CS-4Most of what I learned to get where I am today, I learned on FFG-32 from the people I served with. Chief McNeil, Mr. Honea, Mr. Mcqueeney, Mich, Hargy, Cliff, Bloom, and of course anyone who knew him can never forget the "big guy", Eric Rector.
Helmick, JasonDC3Sep 7, 1993 – Jun 14, 1997E-2It was full of good times and bad time but all worth it
MacDonald, Chris profile iconPN2 (SW)Oct 1, 1993 – Oct 1, 1996X-1Shout out to crew under CDR Fontaine and CDR Zacharzek, Chris Newton. Was at Veterans Day At my Daughter's school, Katelyn MacDonald 8, years old and found this site. I will never forget the Wire watch in supply/support
MacKenzie, RogerSHSN3Oct 31, 1993 – Jul 25, 1995OPERATIONS DIVISIONLooking to connect with FFG-32 crew members during my time 93 to 95 and the Middle East Deployment. Home base Miami, Florida. Connect with me!
Lahoz, GiovannyGSE2Jan 15, 1994 – Jul 17, 1997E-1I am proud to have serve with some of the greatest crewmembers.
Ramsey, LawrenceE8/OSCSFeb 7, 1994 – Jan 17, 1996CS1
Smith, KennyOS2(SW)Mar 1994 – May 1998CS1My one and only Navy Tour! I have to say this was an awesome ship and crew. The places we got to go to were the things dreams are made of. RIP "Rug". Those were some of the best times of my life. Sean Reilly, Perez, Wads, Capt. Patton and too m
Myles, PatrickRM2Mar 1, 1994 – Apr 1, 1998OCAny of you guys remember when my ear got cut off during a port visit in South America UNITAS 37-96? If so, please let me know. I'm trying to gather information for the VA. Thanks, Patrick Myles USN Retiried
Clark, RanceE2Apr 4, 1994 – Mar 17, 1997
Alexander, BrianDC1Jun 1994 – May 1999E-2Good ship and great crew would go into harms way with that ship and crew anytime
Williams, Michael / Jonny UtahSHSNJun 1, 1994 – Apr 23, 1997O1 and SupplyHave some great memories. Thunders cut me off before I had a drink... they were just jealous of my dance moves. Evil, wild bill, 40, coat hanger, sn 60, coconut and soo many more.
Robbins, LaneFC2Jul 1994 – Oct 1998CS3Combat systems was the place to be
Laws, JonGSE3Aug 1994 – Apr 18, 1996E1
Tyler, GerryEN3Aug 12, 1994 – May 19, 1997E2 Had fun while I was there I am living in Mobile Al. now with my wife and two kids.I sure do miss the guys from THE JOHNNY
Lopez, Jose CBMCS(SW)Sep 15, 1994 – Apr 15, 19991stSome of the best times of my life? Except for the dust bunnies.
Anderson, CraigSeamanDec 30, 1994 – Jul 12, 1997OD01What's hoot on the Johnny! I learned so much about life and life in the military. I wouldn't trade not 1 shitty day on the hall scrapping paint and cleaning shitters. Boom!
Rice, JasonE5 FC21995 – 1998CS3Had a great time on the Hall
Cerkovnik, MarkSM3Jan 1995 – Jul 1997ne 1 remember 40 from longisland. jimmy carr shane maise where the hell r u every were r u
Robinson, FiremanFIREMAN/E-2Jun 12, 1995 – Jul 15, 1996Gas Turbine EngineersI served for only one year unfortunately,but it was the best year of my life!I miss my shipmates and wish them all the best in life!
Cerkovnik, Mark Aka 40SM3Jul 10, 1995 – Jul 7, 1997just saying whats up to everyone that remembers thunders and tmi and that f-ing house in gautier.looking for any old shipmates that r around email me
Hibbler, MemphisMS-3Dec 15, 1995 – Jul 25, 1998supply/engineeringIf you hung out at the Car Wash, then we might know each other. Myles I was their when your ear was cut off. I saved you and Barnes life. I should have gotten a medal. I killed the entire crew during fire drills. Memphis

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1982 | 1983 – 1987 | 1988 – 1991 | 1992 – 1995 | 1996 – 2000 | 2001 – now

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