US Navy Crew List

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USS Mahlon S. Tisdale (FFG 27) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Mahlon S. Tisdale (FFG 27). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 159 crew members registered for the USS Mahlon S. Tisdale (FFG 27).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1984 | 1985 – 1987 | 1988 – 1992 | 1993 – now

Forbes, DavidFC2(SW)1993 – 1996Combat SystemsDecommisioned the ship in 1996. Went to the USS McClusky until 1997. I did a 4 year tour as an instructor teaching MK-92 C school. Got out of the Navy in 2001. Now I work with Anti-terrorism/ Force Protection for Navy Region Southwest.
Carr, QuanBM31993 – 1996OPERATIONLooking for my crew buddies.. Lewis where are ya?
Panepinto, Tomht31993 – 1996r
Nunez, JohnOS1(SW)Apr 1993 –OIWish I could go back for one more tour. Great time and great friends.
Tomasovich, TravisGSE3Jun 17, 1993 – Aug 23, 1996MHad alot of good times. Served on flight refueling crew. Oil king for a time, and GSE. Balls to four watch was the best.:)
Pierce, Anthony ( Tony)E-3Sep 16, 1993 – Jun 6, 1995DECK OR 1ST DIVISIONThis was a great time for me, I look back at the friends and aquaintences I made during this time and it was a perfect time! Pat O'dell, John ung, Quann Carr, Dewight Espree, miss ya'll hit me up!
Foxwell, RichGSMCJan 1994 – Jul 1996E-1Culmination of a great career. LCPO E-1 Div, ECCTT leader......Final OPPE with flying colors. Trained and quailifed every EOOW during my tour (about 12). My only tour on the west coast. Decom crew
Frederick, RichardE6/PN1SW)Jan 1994 – Nov 1996PersonnelThis was my final tour. I stay around and took the ship for it final voyage after it was decommissioned. It was a great time my last 3 years of my Naval Career.
Oehler, GeoffQM2Jul 1994 – Sep 1996NavigationAn experience I will never forget. I met some great men there.
Brubeck, RandyE4 / ET3(SW)Aug 23, 1994 – Nov 7, 1996Combat ElectronicsDecomisioning was the best part.
Roberts, MartinDCC(SW)Oct 1994 – Nov 1996RSome of the greatest snipes in the Navy.
Abel, ChrisOS2Nov 1994 – May 1995OIShort time onboard, but had alot of fun during spring break in Mexico. Left the ship in Panama.
Fitzgerald, JamesENCDec 1994 – Apr 1996A
Pinto, GilbertoSNDec 6, 1994 – Sep 4, 1996 Best time in the Navy . Hey Senior Hendon I made ADC and now are station at AIMD Sig.
Hubbard, BufordSNDec 29, 1994 – Aug 10, 1996DeckBest experience of my Navy career. Best ship and best crew hand's down. Deck dept was my family for sure, through everything. Senior Chief, Lewis, Carr, Lovell, Dooley, Marsh, Pers/, great times!!
Stephens, SteveE-4/GSM31995 – 1996EM03Good times. Loved the last West Pac. Decom was a blast.
Gormley, ShawnE21995 – 1996DeckHey Carr hope your well bro.
Leetz, GregoryBM3Mar 1995 – Aug 1996DeckJust checkin in!
Conrad, JeremyFC3Mar 1995 – Sep 1996CS04
Quinlivan, MichaelFCCMar 20, 1995 – Sep 6, 1996CF
De Leon, ReggieEM3Jun 1995 – Jan 1996Electrical
Wolfford, Brandon W.OSSNAug 4, 1995 – Sep 10, 1996OIBest experience of my life!
Bill, WieberBMSN2014 –DeckTAD from USS Rentz (FFG 46). Only ship I ever went to mast on. Funny how you can be on two FFG's and one is the best and one is the worst! It all boils down to the COC!! CO, XO, DH, DIVO sucked!! But - crew was awesome!

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1984 | 1985 – 1987 | 1988 – 1992 | 1993 – now

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