US Navy Crew List

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Fighting Renegades (VF 24) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who were assigned to the Fighting Renegades (VF 24). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 21 crew members registered for the Fighting Renegades (VF 24).

Long, JamesChief Petty Officer1951 –This entry is for my Father who passed away in 1970. I was hoping to get in touch with anyone who remembers him. Please leave me a message if you have any recollections. Thanks, Gordon W. Long
Benshoof, BillAE2Jul 21, 1959 – Jul 19, 1961Stationed at NAS Alameda California. Midway was home port there. Made two Far East cruises during this time on the Midway. After discharge the Midway stopped in Seattle after leavingt Yokuska Japan on itw way to Dego
Kennebeck, DonaldLT(LDO)Mar 1962 – Feb 1964F8C aircraft
Nellis, Georgee-4Apr 6, 1962 – 1964had a good time learning how to be a sailor and how to find my way during GQ.want to thank all that helped me.
Ward, GeorgeADJ31963 – Sep 1965I was ass't line PO working above my rating but enjoyed every minute. Well, that's except nearly going over side while riding brakes on a stormy night (hancock) or The burning phantom nearly hit my plane while on Midway
Debaecke, IvanAO3May 1965 – Sep 1967This was my first squadron. Check in as a SN and left as AO3 (AO2) select. We bagged 5 migs on the Bonnie DIck cruise. Was also embarked on the Hancock. I miss my old buds in the AO shop. Retired in 1987 as AZ1 (24 Yrs).
Newton, RichardAK1/AKCSep 1, 1968 – Jan 15, 1971Assigned to S-6 (TAD) from VF-24, then in 1969 made AKC and was transferred to Ship's Company for remainder of Sea Duty, in 1971, transferred to NAS Whidbey Is. until retirement in Sept 1, 1975 as AKCS.
Martinez, TonyAQ2Apr 1969 – Jan 1972It was a life changing experience. Two deployments to the Gulf of Tonkin aboard the USS Hancock. Made a career in the Navy, and how things have changed...for the better.
Rasor, John (Tom) profile iconAE-2Oct 1, 1971 – Oct 3, 1972Made the Hancock cruise in '72. Was discharged when the ship landed back in Alameda
Humphreys, StephenE3-E2-E3-E2Mar 20, 1977 – Mar 31, 1981WESTPAC '78-'79 and '80
Cook, Jimmy (Cookie)AMH2Sep 22, 1978 – Aug 22, 1979Westpac 78-79 are we docked yet?
Wisely, JamesE31980 –As a teenager the navy taught me alot and directed me as an adult.
Beamish, ArnoldE41981 – 1984
Beamish, ArnoldANJan 1, 1982 – Jul 25, 1984
Garcia Jr, Robert EAD2Jun 3, 1982 – May 30, 1986Made the "Death Pac" in 1983 aboard the USS Ranger. Remember that one?!
Reihl, Russao3Jul 1984 – Dec 1986the best time i had in my live. vf-24 was made up of some truly special people. i miss it dearly. i only wish that i stayed in longer but you cant tell a 21 year old a thing,they know it all.
Guillory, GiffordAT3Jun 8, 1985 – Jun 18, 1988
Cade, PhillipE-3Nov 1990 – Jul 1992
Wilkerson, JamesAd31991 –
MacDonald, MattE-3May 18, 1991 – Apr 3, 1993Line Shack
Paul, MichaelAD2Dec 2, 1991 – Jul 15, 1994

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