US Navy Crew List

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USS Portland (LSD 37) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Portland (LSD 37). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 723 crew members registered for the USS Portland (LSD 37).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1970 | 1971 – 1973 | 1974 – 1976 | 1977 – 1979 | 1980 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1986 | 1987 – 1989 | 1990 – 1991 | 1992 – 1993 | 1994 – 1996 | 1997 – 1999 | 2000 – 2001 | 2002 – now

Nolin, SteveBTFN1971 – 1973BPLANK OWNER- It's the first time on the site. I can remember a lot of the names. I left the ship while in Puerto Rico, but I won't forget those days and all you guys.
Campbell, CurtHT2Jan 1971 – Dec 22, 1972RepairLooking for Enrique Fernandez
Kennedy, Paul profile iconMM2Jan 1, 1971 – Sep 1975MI was glad when it was over. Phlecal (?) made life a major pain. Did see some amazing things, Norway and the North Sea made a lasting impression.
Kennedy, Paul WierdbeardMM2Jan 1, 1971 – Sep 9, 1975Engineroom
Donahue, Bob (Mouse)GMGSNJan 7, 1971 – May 7, 1973Who could forget the north Atlantic?
McCoy, Rodolphus profile iconFTGSNMay 1971 – Aug 1971GunneryI am interested in finding those who were part of the NR-1 deployment and mission into the Black Sea. Because of the nature of the cruise, we had to sign national security documents. The national archives has no record
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McCoy, RodolphusFTGSNMay 10, 1971 – Mar 22, 1972GunneryCommand start and end dates are approximations.
McCoy, Rodolphus (Rody)FTGSNJun 13, 1971 – Dec 20, 1971GunnerReported aboard when she was brand new. Did a Med and then went to the Plymouth Rock LSD 29. Since it was brand new, nothing was relaxed. Like being on a command ship. The beginning and end crews really had it, huh? My new name: Afi G. Osakwe
Cook, RobertRM3Jul 1971 – May 24, 1974OPerationEnjoyed my time on this ship, and my shipmates. We had lots of fun at our ports of calls.
Stephens, DavidRM2Jul 14, 1971 – Jul 5, 1973communications
Bishop, Bennymm3Aug 21, 1971 – May 25, 1975MWould like to hear from anyone that was on the ship with me in the M division.
Spence, DonLt.jgSep 1, 1971 – Jul 1974CICThe ship was new and we were at sea a lot! Join the Navy and see the world!
Liggero, FredSKSNSep 14, 1971 – Aug 10, 1973SupplyI often think of the fun times on board the Portland. Many friends. Wish I had contact information. Special thanks to Chief Osenton for supporting me in some rough times. Remember the fun on board and sea port viists.
Wolf, BillSNOct 1971 – Oct 1973Supply/DisbursingFine times with Bill, Scotty, Jay, "Gedunk", Freddy, George and, Roger"I'm from Pt.Pleasant across the river from Gallipolis" Meadows. Days of "Dormadenas"(Barcellona) and always"REMEMBER THE RAM ROOM"
Richardson, RussellMM3Oct 1971 – Jan 1972MReported on board in Little Creek, Va. I was assigned temporary duty on the Portland prior to attended Nuclear Power School in Bainbridge Maryland. She was my first ship and I learned a lot on her. Had a great time.
McBrayer, RandallSK3Oct 13, 1971 – Aug 7, 1975Supply
Perkins,sr., Jerome AMM3Oct 15, 1971 – Aug 25, 1974M division,MM3 Jerome A. Perkins ,Sr.Just looking for anyone that may remember that time and place and remember myself in that division...feel free to contact me and lets talk about how may be we can collectively start some kind of reunion, does anyone remember t(Robert Pitts?
Carte, ChipseamenNov 18, 1971 – Jun 8, 1974Deck- LSE- Postal ClerkGreat time, good friends.
McBrayer, RandySK4Dec 18, 1971 – Aug 14, 1975SupplyNice to see Chief Osenton on the list. Like to hook up with KK, Ron, Pugsley, and Randy. I do remember picking up the sub. And the trip above the arctic circle., I still have my loyal order of the blue nose card in my wallet.
McArdle, GregE21972 – 19741st and 2ndThinking back we saw alot of places and had a great time even though I couldn't wait to get out. BMC Beddard always on the prowl. Anyone know how to get ahold of Vinnie Yacovelli or Kevin Hopper?
Gibbons, RogerENG 31972 – 1974A
Osborne, Larry/ OzE-5Jan 2, 1972 – Oct 15, 1975OCLooking for shipmates.
Gerbec, TonyETN2Jan 24, 1972 – Jul 18, 1975Operations
Brant, James profile iconBMCJan 28, 1972 – May 21, 1972LCU-1641 OINCEmbarked USS Portland LSD-37 TEMADD CARIB 2-71. While in Carribbean at Vieques, PR. USS Portland used LCU-1641 in recovery operations of Armored Personel Carrier that sunk during Amphibious launching from USS Portland.
Wood, JohnPN2Mar 1972 – Aug 1975X DivisionMy time on Portland was a life changing experience. I'll never forget the good (& bad) times and all my shipmates-Chief, Big Al,Unseld,Balfore,Gibbons,Lenca,Reed,Mihlo,Allen,Murray, Gerbec,Baunach,Evans,Connoly,Walters
Odom, DonBT3Mar 1, 1972 – Mar 1, 1974Boiler Technician (BT)I don't see any of my old Buds. Paul Nadeu, Jimmy McGill, Mike Giglio, What was Farris's first name? Anyway, Hi Guys!
Pullen, RickEM3Apr 1972 – Jan 1975ElectricalLots of good buddies and memories. Hope to find everyone we can for a reunion in Sept 2011 at VA Beach.
Burrell, James / Original Duke/ The Ship BarberSH2 SHIP BARBERApr 11, 1972 – Apr 7, 1975Supply had some great times with you guys thanks for teaching me how,to cut hair special thanks to Greg McArdle for my California Dream also Vinnie Yacovelli, Knot, Bud,Yates, MikeCarlise, Chief B for all those talks and all the rest .
Lamonaca, BruceHT3Apr 18, 1972 – Apr 28, 1975RMade a few lasting friends out of the time spent.Found out a little about life.Attened the decommissioned ceremony of the Portland.
Gidaro, AlQM3Jun 1972 – Jun 1976Navigation
Cantz, Michaele3Jun 14, 1972 – Jun 14, 1974mhad a lot of good times;even though i was restricted for half my tenure;no thanx to ensign buckheister;analpore.good buddies with bishop;arnold;witkowski.made the best of it
Cantz, Michaele-3Jun 17, 1972 – Jun 26, 1974mm division rocked
Pankey, RobertSNSep 29, 1972 – Jan 3, 19741stHell of a crew! During the time I was aboard we were almost never at Little Creek. North Atlantic, then Med cruise, followed up by Caribbean op's with NR-1. Seems like we had amphibious war games in Puerto Rico 73, but..
Williams, ElijahE-3Oct 17, 1972 – Oct 17, 1974A divisionHey Guys, remember me, fireman williams? (junior snipe) I had some fun times aboard the portland
Fellows, TimMM3Dec 2, 1972 – Jun 6, 1975M
Barnett, Mikell E.E3Dec 29, 1972 – Sep 25, 1975RHi fellas Fireman Barnett here. HTFN M.E.Barnett Hull Tech R Division 1972-1975 Med Cruise. Brother of Pillsbury Dough Boy,Fat Man ,Snake,Thompson,Johny Mac Render,Hildred Bush,Roundtree,Slim ,Hill,Meeks,Leroy,Bud,Joe
Ware, JcEN31973 – 1975A gang Lots.a partiing.. Drag races at the back o the base.
Leyh, PaulBM21973 – 19753rd
Warner, EdETN31973 – 1974OperationsRemember NR1 cruise to the Caribbean after picking up anchor chain ballast in Groton. Side trip to Boston with my LPO on the commuter train. Shore Patrol duty at Rosy Roads. Liberty in San Juan and taking the tour at the Bacardi factory.
Barber, Baba-louGMG21973 – Aug 1975Weaponslooking for Terry Ulmer GMG3
Flath, Delmar “del”E21973 – 1974DeckI was proud to have served with the Navy’s amphibious force!
Crenshaw, SteveIC 2Jan 1973 – May 1976EHello to the best friends I have ever had. Although it didn't seem like it at the time, it was the best time of my life. Hey to Joe Andahazy, Rick Pullen, Dave Weber, Russo, Drinkwater, etc. Sorry about not getting to Norfolk!
Coleman, Anthony / BoSMSNJan 1973 – 1975CommunicationsLooking for Charles Spikes Jr., James Burrell Jr. (Duke),Charles Dickerson, Chief Sutliff. Anyone who remembers Bo (knot) from Ellicott City, MD.
Lenca, DwaynePN-3Jan 1973 – 1974XO Had some good times with great people onboard USS Portland! John Wood was always an inspiration.
Hall, DouglasE3Feb 1973 – Aug 1975Deck Dept. SKHad some good times. Thought a lot of Chief Beddard. Lost a good friend Melvin Slimp in a car accident off base in Little Creek. Hardly import during my time aboard.
O'Brien, Gerard F O'BrienE-3Feb 6, 1973 – Nov 8, 1974AWhen I reported aboard It was only two years and three months from the date of Her Commission. Would like to hear from shipmates who served with me. Also seeking a personal friend and shipmate Gary D winn from Florida. I Enjoyed my time aboard her
Russo, MichaelEM3Feb 14, 1973 – Aug 5, 1975EHave LIFE Long Friendships with the guys from E Division, Dave W, Flint E, Joe A, Lee C, Lyle D, Mike Z, Rick P, Steve C, Willie M & Mark (Never Forgotten Buddy). Since 2006 Reunion have now included other fellow Squids from Ship.
Andahazy, JoeEM3Apr 1973 – Jul 1976EIt was the best time to be onboard. CNO Zumwalt allowed beards and the trips to the Med were rockin! Listening to Steeley Dan and the Doobies on the Flight deck at night. I'll never forget.
Cook, DougET2Apr 1973 – Sep 1977OPSRapelling off the mast was great fun. Music on the flight deck with Dr A. and friends. UDT-21 buddies. It was a great time. Plank Owner
Stevens, ChuckMM2Apr 1973 – Aug 1976MJust attended a reunion in VA Beach. Had a great time. The best times with great people.
Andahazy, JoeEM3Apr 1, 1973 – Jul 1, 1976EGreat time aboard. Lot's of good friends I still keep in touch with.. Any old mates visiting Wash, DC, look me up. Jeff Stevenson ... Where are you?
Eberhard, Jim profile iconBT-3May 10, 1973 – Oct 10, 1975BAnyone remeber "Steamin Lehman"?
Hammons, McKinley (Ray) MacE2May 10, 1973 – Aug 10, 1976Supply
Adcox, MikeBM3Jul 15, 1973 – Jul 15, 19752ndmany goodtimes and long hours at sea lots of good freinds made on the boat.
Shopp, AlSEAMANAug 1, 1973 – Aug 1, 1975I was on the portland,just before she went into drydock in new england, she was fitted with a cradle to bring a mini sub in her well deck, does anyone remember that. I met some great sailors, while serving. on the portland.
Deschaine, HanleyHT3Sep 1973 – Jul 1974RReported aboard after she had went for repairs because she sank testing for the future NR1 commitment cruise. Got transferred to San Diego Ca for welding school. Flew out of Frankfurt, Germany. Then to Naples,IT AD-13
Gartland, JoeSeamenSep 1973 – May 19762ndI’d like to thank everybody Who may have known me for putting up with an immature kid, my experiences on board the USS Portland with the shipmates I encountered was life-saving And greatly appreciate it till this day,
Stelwagen, StevenIC-2Sep 30, 1973 – Sep 30, 1975EngineeringWhere is Studebaker Hawk?
Haddock, RalphSeaman BMOct 1973 – Sep 19752ndSome of the best times I ever had with a great group of sailors
Wesselhoff, Bill "Waffle"OSSNOct 30, 1973 – Jul 30, 1975OIWhere's Chief Johnson?
Vanderjagt, ChipE1Nov 1973 – Jun 1977BTWhat a good time for a young kid. Lots to remember. Chief Hillard Good was the best. Married Jim "Junior" Walkers sister. Been going strong for 26 years this August. Will try to make the Sept. 06 reunion.
Alexander, MichaelEN3Nov 1973 – Aug 1975A-GangMed cruise 73, NR1 Sub Caribbean cruise and a couple of others.
Hackett, DennisBT3Dec 1973 – Jul 1975b

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1970 | 1971 – 1973 | 1974 – 1976 | 1977 – 1979 | 1980 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1986 | 1987 – 1989 | 1990 – 1991 | 1992 – 1993 | 1994 – 1996 | 1997 – 1999 | 2000 – 2001 | 2002 – now

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