US Navy Crew List

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USS Montpelier (SSN 765) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Montpelier (SSN 765). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 111 crew members registered for the USS Montpelier (SSN 765).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1995 | 1996 – 2001 | 2002 – now

Page, JamesYN32002 – 2003Admin LOLYo I was only on for a short time but I was the best Helm ever LOL #battlestationshelm
McWha, BrianET1Jan 12, 2002 – Nov 1, 2005RCWe had some great times especially "Get-down-lay-down". Keep up the good work.
Danois, OnyxMM1/SSFeb 2002 – Feb 2007MachineryGood times and bad times. Unforgettable experience. Thank you Meinke for pinning my dolphins! R.I.P. Nate Shull...
Lawson, ZachMM2/SSMar 1, 2002 – Apr 14, 2006A-GANG!
Caston, KenEM2(SS)Mar 26, 2002 – Apr 26, 2006The bane of my existance. I can't stand it here, if it weren't for my friends, I would have been long gone.
Escalera, EscoET3Aug 15, 2002 – Nov 7, 2005NAV ET'STHE MIGHTY MONTY.the best boat never to get a battle E...BEST CREW OF BROTHERS A GUY CAN ASK FOR MISS EVERYBODY
Welte, TravisSK2Aug 30, 2002 – Aug 1, 2006supplyI love and miss the crew of the mighty monty alot. I hope you all have fare winds and good seas. I really just wanted to say sorry to skc dinkel for all the sh** I gave him at the end of my tour. You all made a big difference in my life.
Steve, BensonMM2(NUB)Mar 13, 2003 –RLI love the monty!!! even when your a DINQ NUB everyone still loves you and cares!! I cant wait to reenlist!!!!
Light, DeeSTS3Jul 10, 2003 – Jun 18, 2007ST
Moelter, DanielSTS2/ssAug 5, 2003 – Aug 5, 2007Sonar/Deck Div LPO
Clemo, Gerald / JerryETCSAug 25, 2003 – Jun 11, 2005Navops
Barnes, EricTMNov 20, 2003 –TORPEDO
Rayford, LamarcosE6/OS1Feb 1, 2004 – Aug 1, 2008Deck Div/Sonar
Uhazie, MichaelMM2Mar 13, 2004 –RLI love this boat. If it wasn't for this boat i have no idea what i would do or how I would go on. Being an ELT on this fine Navy vessel is prbably the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Hall, John (Marmaduke)ET1(SS)Mar 28, 2004 – Jun 12, 2008RCI'm a college student now at Arkansas State.
Snow, JeffreyET2Dec 6, 2004 – Jun 15, 2008RadioWelcome to hell boys!
Vyhnanek III, EdwardCSC (SS)2005 – 2006Supply
Toth, JosephTMFNApr 25, 2005 –TMim just a NUB
Barrett, MyroenSTS1Oct 2, 2005 – Jul 2, 2008Sonar
Goodale, MattMM2/SSDec 9, 2005 –A-Gang
Hall, BillyLTFeb 20, 2007 – Jan 21, 2010Various
Hammer, ShawnMMFNMar 2007 –TMI'll be arriving on this boat in March 07 and Im very excited to finally be a part of a crew and from what I hear, the crew is a good one. Take care till then...
Brundrett, PaulSKSAJun 12, 2008 –SupplyThe best state is of course Texas!
Gillette, RobMM3(SS)Aug 18, 2008 – 2009A-GANG/ LOWER LEVEL MAFIA

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1995 | 1996 – 2001 | 2002 – now

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