US Navy Crew List

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USS Newport News (SSN 750) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Newport News (SSN 750). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 136 crew members registered for the USS Newport News (SSN 750).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1990 | 1991 – 1994 | 1995 – 2001 | 2002 – now

Burleson, BurleyElectrician's Mate first class1985 – 1988ElectricalPlankowner first SOQ met some great people feel free to contact me @
Burleson, KevinEM1(SS)Oct 28, 1985 – Jun 18, 1989ElectricalPlankowner 1st SOQ.Had some great times and met great people. Anyone on the old crew give me a shout!!!
Berry, WillardET1(SS)Dec 15, 1985 – Jul 18, 1988Reactor ControlsPlankowner, Put it together but did not get to start up or test it. Wonder what happened to the rest of the plankowners?
Jarrett, MichaelYN2(SS)1986 – 1989AdminPart of the Commissioning Crew.
Ullom, RichardMS1(SS)1986 – 1988MS
Pugh, Al PughET1/SSJan 6, 1986 – Sep 20, 1991RCSaw some familiar names. Needed to register to hook up.
Askins, DavidMM2/SSApr 1986 – Aug 1990MachineryReported aboard right after the boat was launched and left at the end of PSA. Met a lot of great people. Don't hesitate to e-mail me. I Work at Wolf Creek Nuclear Plant as a Licensed Reactor Operator now.
Sandman, JimFTCMay 1986 – Aug 1991Fire Control (FTI have the '86 launching photo hanging on my wall. I was in a school in Groton, but came down for the launching. My brother Tom, a welder at the shipyard, helped put her together. Many fond memories of the shipmates and ports we visited.
Hanau, LarrySTS2/SSJun 1, 1986 – Jan 15, 1991SonarHad a good time. Sometimes I still laugh at some of the crazy things we did.
Davis, GaryMM2Jul 1986 – Jul 1990Machinist Mate NuclearIt seemed like an eterity at the time. Had some of the best times of my life and some of the worst, but all in all a great experience
Tate, Allen/tateskiET1 (SS)Jul 1, 1986 – Aug 25, 1989Reactor ControlsLeft for the Air Force
Kinsey, Jeffrey S.ETCSAug 1986 – Dec 1992QuartermasterHello Brothers, Just wanted to say hey to all my Newport News brotheren.
Osborne, RodneySTS2/SSAug 1986 – Jan 1990SonarPlankowner, and proud to have served with the best pre-com./commissioning crew ever. Wasn't that the longest submarine construction project in the history of NN Shipbuilding? Looking forwad to our re-union coming up soon.
Snook, DanSTS2/SS/DECK DIV LPOAug 1, 1986 – May 31, 1991SonarHad great times. Couldn't stand the FT's SRB's!!! I was the eternal 3rd until finally command advanced. Loved STSCS Seary's pencil drawings of appropriate haircuts and such! Good to have been on board.
Ullom, RichardMS1Sep 1, 1986 – Nov 10, 1988Supply
Rathfelder, TheodoreET1(SS) (NOW ETC(SS) RET.)Oct 1986 – Nov 1988Reactor ControlsI am the reactor operator who started up the reactor the first time. Virginia was very good for me. Would have gone back in an instant.
Perkins, RickSTSC(SS)1987 – 1989Plankowner - ahhh, that new submarine smell!
Spratt, Bill (Spunky)MS2(SS)Jan 1987 – Sep 1988MSSecond boat, second pre-com. COB was said to also be the COB on Noah's boat cause he was so salty. A bunch of us from the Norfolk went to the News, we had our own little click and COB hated it. Still have nightmares about Pugh's huge tongue
Dusterhoft, Rick "Dusty"TM3Apr 9, 1987 –WeaponsI wish I would have stayed
Moore, MichaelE-6/RM1(SS)Aug 1, 1987 – Sep 30, 1991CommunicationsGood memories, good times, good friends. Went on to join the Army National Guard and will retire JUN 2014.
Marlow, DennisTMC(SS)_Oct 1, 1987 – Dec 31, 1990Combat Systems
Ward, Jeffrey (Link)MS2/SSNov 20, 1987 – Sep 23, 1990SupplyAlot of memories. If I would have stayed, I would be retired now. Currently entering 16th year in corrections.
Rodecap, RussellSTS2/SSJan 1988 – Jun 1993SonarIf you've got time to lean, you've got time to clean. That's my motto.
Sandefur, RickyMMCM SSApr 1989 – Apr 1993MachineryThe best time of my 20 year career
Piazza, Marc (Aka Pizza-man)STS1/STSCMay 20, 1989 – Dec 2, 1991Sonar & Deck"Youngest" plank-owner; my second boat. Remember the emergent 'Desert Storm' deployment? I actually hated to leave sos soon, but a tour in Pearl was calling!
Goldrick, BillyrayFTGJun 1989 – Apr 16, 1993Fire ControlOh, my floating pig, I cherish the memory of all the wonderful shipyard tools, and broken booze bottles, I cleaned out of your guts. No, really, it's all the sleepless nights in port with friends. ...still off on adventures in the woods
Sawyer, Gregory profile iconEM2(SS)Nov 1989 – Jan 1994Electrical
Simpson, Brian (Bartman)MM2 (SS)1990 – 1995MMan, we sure had a great bunch of functional alcoholics when I was on board! And we defined teamwork getting Battle E's smoking nthe ORSE's!
Schuettpelz, DeanEM1/SS1990 – Apr 27, 1993ElectricalBest of times. Chief told me once I would only remember the good times. Mostly right.
Greer, DeweyE2/QM1990 – 1992NavigationI wish I could go back in time and live those 2yrs for the rest of my life
Camp, Johnney WadeMM1(SS)Jan 1, 1990 – Apr 12, 1993Machinery
Hill, MichaelSTS1/SSJan 5, 1990 – Jan 15, 1995SONARYeah yeah, I'm alive & well and living in Cleveland. I am still in a bad mood about the boat, and figure it will take another 30 years to finally get over it. But I do have a lot of funny drinking stories, and Joey D is still my punk trick
Elswick, BricET2Feb 1, 1990 – Feb 24, 1994Operations
Schumaker, DougMM2Mar 4, 1990 – May 13, 1994MachineryWe did seem to stay afloat with Barley pop in the early 90's. But were one of the better boats out there. Thanks to those that participated with me. Bottoms up!!!!!
Ferguson, TimFT2/SSAug 1990 – Nov 2, 1992Fire ControlWould like to know what happened to all the rest of the guys, in the division, as well as the freak STs.
Flynn, BrianTM2/SSAug 1990 – Feb 24, 1993TM - PAPER-CLIPYou say you miss it - try this:
Kyle, MikeSTS2 (SS)Aug 1, 1990 – Dec 1, 1994SonarLive long and transfer.
Gordon, RogerSKC(SW/SS)Aug 15, 1990 – May 4, 1994SUPPLYGOOD and BAD memories....but a very good boat!
Harvey, RobertEM3/ssSep 14, 1990 – Nov 21, 1995E-DivIt just doesn't get any better?!
Pietzcker, SteveRM2/SSNov 28, 1990 – Nov 10, 1992Radio

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1990 | 1991 – 1994 | 1995 – 2001 | 2002 – now

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