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USS Conserver (ARS 39) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Conserver (ARS 39). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 185 crew members registered for the USS Conserver (ARS 39).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1967 | 1968 – 1974 | 1975 – 1981 | 1982 – 1988 | 1990 – now

Carlson, Keith "kit"GMG 2 (SW)1982 – 1986DeckLooking back it sure was a good time!! What a great crew. Cold ones at the wall anyone? 317-852-9644
Horn, Joeen31982 – 1985engineering
Krumheuer, TimRM1982 – 1985Operations
Gandy, DavidSN1982 – 1985First
Gitschier, Ron "gitch"EMFNJan 10, 1982 – May 19, 1986ElectricalWhat a cool ship - Mc Hale's Navy, indeed. My first ship (my last one was a "39" also). The Westpacs... whoa; how did we survive playing so hard??? Butterfingers, where are you? It was a good ship to 'grow up' on. I miss all
Wildhaber, MikeEn2Feb 23, 1982 – Sep 30, 1986EngineeringI remember this ship I also Carlson kit, Kessler, Cloutier. If anyone reads this please contact me @ opie451mw@gmail .com this ship has lot of good memories.
Powers, TimRMCS(SW)Mar 10, 1982 – Dec 15, 1985OCIn my 21 years of service, Conserver is my fonded memory. Sent by Big Buck and the after dinner society, focsile and cigar lite.
Cloutier, Dale (Gooky)EM3Mar 15, 1982 – Apr 30, 1984Engineeringby far this was the best time of my life some of the best freinds a man could have ever know. Jake, Kit, Brett and all the guys hope your life has been as good as mine it has been an adventure that only book r writen about. 716-308-2567
Reynolds, Sott ''burt''HT-3Jun 18, 1982 – Oct 25, 1986eng.hello old salvage sailors. sure had a great time on the conserver. havent slowed down much[still act like im in subic bay] just a little older. would love to hear from anyone who served between 82-86.
Beer, Jeffrey profile iconHT31983 – 1985RepairCold beers at the wall indeed! And Burt, I never did grow up. I moved to Subic in January and am living in the Barrio (Baloy Beach).
Rogers, Chris profile iconSA-EN2 (SW)1983 – 1986Deck/EngineeringAn experience of a lifetime with an unforgettable Crew. Couldn't have asked for a better first Command to be a part of. "IF YOU AIN'T SALVAGE, YOU AIN'T...!"
Gitschier, Ron, "Gitch"EMFNJan 7, 1983 – Jun 3, 1986Electrical, "E", Engineering DepartmentMy 1st command - I'm glad I had the opportunity to spend a few years in the kind of Navy we had. We were a breed apart who got the job done when it was time to work, and were unashamed to have our hard-earned fun.
Shilling, Robert "bob"QM2May 1983 – Sep 1986OPS/NAVIn 9 years, 3 ships, no shore duty the Conserver was the best ship, crew,west pacs, local ops (Maui,Kauai) other commands did not compare.
Hasson, RussellOS2Jun 6, 1983 – May 16, 1985
Donaldson, Jake (AnthonyEN1Jun 20, 1983 – Sep 15, 1989ENGWhat a ride! Best time in the Navy. Kit, how's it going. still in touch with Cloutier.
Donaldson, JakeEN1Jun 20, 1983 – Sep 15, 1989ENGINEERING
Westbay, PeteSNJun 30, 1983 – Aug 24, 19841stThe best ship in Pearl! Hard working crew.C.O. understood the enlisted men. Listening to radio stations from Hawaii over the 1mc on watch. Beer? what beer? Steel beach cookouts. "Hang Loose" Life at sea..! Life in port!
Torgerson, BrianEN21984 – 1988eng.good times good friends god bless subic bay
Reno, PopsIC31984 – 1986EngineeringGreat ship, great crew, great times, I'm proud to have served with them all.It has left me wonderfully deep in the valley of confusion. Thanks Bubbas.
Lopez, Antonio profile iconBM2/SW1984 – 1987Deck DeptSure do miss the Conserver..Baby Eubanks. Lmao!..Tilly tilghman..his brother was killed in Panama ..he was a navy seal. Came from a good family. I'm still here in Hawaii..retired from Longshore -Gantry Crane Driver.
Samuelson, LeeEM1(SW)May 1984 – May 1986E DivisionThe very best of the 7 ships I served on. I learned so much while I was on board.
Ackerman, JohnLCDRMay 15, 1984 – Sep 30, 1986Commanding OfficerThe Fightin' C was the best tour of my 31 year career, not because I was CO, but because of the crew. Those guys were the last of a dying breed of two-fisted sailors and they made me proud. I think of them and the ship often.
Sheehan, Bob A.k.a RemusBM3Jul 1984 – 1987DeckGood Times,brings back a lot of memories.West-pacs, all the fun . Cant believe 20 + years have passed. Kit,Torgy, Pops and all the rest. I miss it all.
Gray, Ron/hazegrayE5 ENGOct 9, 1984 – Oct 10, 1988The USS Conserver ars 39 was A great ship to be on .Work Hard Play HARD. Not your normal NAVY SHIP. Many stories can be told! Haze Gray and somewhat underway.
Stoner Sr., OrvilleEN3Nov 1984 – Sep 1986B2 (Engineering)This was my first ship. I also was part of the first DECOM CREW.
Alleyne, Ian (Might Mouse)Seaman E-31985 – 1987Deck 1st Division Great command
Buchiarelli, PhilLTJGJan 1985 – Feb 1986OPSOps Officer for a year. Great experience I will never forget. Learned alot, saw alot. Thanks CAPT Ackerman
Craps, TroyrmsnMar 1985 – 1986OperationsI remember the Fighting "C" like it was yesterday.. Baby Seals where are you man!! Mr Ackerman, you helped me more than you know.. By far the best deployments I ever had.. We wont talk about guam or korea!!!lol
Eubanks, John profile iconBM3Apr 15, 1985 – Sep 30, 1986DeckLearned alot on this ship that I brought to following commands. Alot of fun and some pretty good WestPacs too! (grinning ear to ear)
Seals, SteveSN/E-3May 12, 1985 – Sep 30, 1986DeckThe Fightin "C" was my first command, and definitely the best. Still have the cruise book from "QuessPAC and FieldPAC 86" and many fond memories of the command and crew. To all Conserver Salvage Sailors, Sail Safe Steve "
Carlton, VincentET3Aug 15, 1986 – Nov 15, 1987OPSFirst ship and a great introduction to the Navy.
Figueroa, Eric "Fig"SNApr 27, 1987 – May 17, 1990DECKthis was my frist command, and it was the best salvage navy ho-ya!. to the crew of 87-90 talk about old school this was it, to bro"s kilgore, bosn johnson,bm1(dv) smith-you a @# hole for making paint the aftermast, and all of deck dept.
Guebely, GeorgePO2May 1987 – Oct 1991Deck / SARhowz it guys? Ken Easton (Onion) is trying to get everyone together for a reunion in Hawaii any one up for it let me know.....
Torrez, EduardoEM3May 1, 1987 – Feb 22, 1989Engineering
Kilgore, Kelly D. (Kilgo)SA-BM2May 15, 1987 – Jan 7, 1990DeckI will never forget "The Old Girl". Loved those nights at Pecos and all of the great friends I made for life there. We're Conserver Salvage Sailors, Who the @#$% are you???!!!
Filkins, MichaelEN2May 19, 1987 – Feb 19, 1991EngineeringThey finally sunk the old bitch eh. Hated to see her go.
Stehlik, Robert/ GunnerGMG1(SW)Jun 5, 1987 – Jan 5, 1992WEPS/DECKLots of great times and good people.
Sampley, Eldon SamEN2Jun 15, 1987 – Jun 29, 1990Glade to see she finally made it to the bottom of the ocean
Lutz, DanielBM1Oct 7, 1987 – Sep 15, 1990Deck Da01Kelly, I still have that drawing you gave me. Did my 20. Some of the best memories of all were on board the Conserver, just a work horse with character, only to be BESTED by the crew that made her go and do. Thanks, Dan
Gengler, RonBM21988 – 1990decksome of the best times of my life...and some of the worst! would'nt change some for world!!
Harris, BrianEN31988 – 1991Engine Room 1Had a lot of great times! Going to Gussy Lamours to have a good time and hanging out with some of the best brothers I've known! I remember you Ron Gengler, Jeff Bogaski, Doug Kolling, Juan Munoz And Steven Gamble.
Bailey, RyanQM2 (SW)Nov 1988 – May 1992OpsGood times? Like going from Panama to Seattle at 6kts. dragging a Sub behind us! Or how bout bouncing an ROV off the bottom of the ocean off Wake? No biggie.... it was only a tad over 17,000 feet deep. You guys hear about Lt. Dave Ross...?

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1967 | 1968 – 1974 | 1975 – 1981 | 1982 – 1988 | 1990 – now

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