US Navy Crew List

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USS Conserver (ARS 39) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Conserver (ARS 39). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 185 crew members registered for the USS Conserver (ARS 39).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1967 | 1968 – 1974 | 1975 – 1981 | 1982 – 1988 | 1990 – now

Thompson, JamesEN/3 Diver1968 – 1970Engine Room/DiverWas on the ARS 39 Conserver and ATF 96 Abnaki
Gonzalez, Francisco profile iconE41968 – 1969EngineeringShip Fitter from 1968 through 1969. I'm alive and well. If any one is still around from that time, I'd like to hear from you. 708-845-7907
Leary, DonE3Aug 1, 1968 – Aug 20, 1970Engine roomIt was quite an experience serving on the USS Conserver. We had a great Crew and everyone worked together as a team. It is something I will never forget.
Palmer, DanaEN3/EN2Oct 19, 1968 – Feb 19, 1969EngineeringI was only on the Conserver 4 months but had a lot of fun. Went to sea 1 day he he.
Lucido, TonySEAMAN1969 – 1973gunnery
McDonald, Ronald/macSeaman1969 – 1972DeckhandBeing on the Conserver taught me alot about life. Have visited with Gippy and Stroby years ago and enjoyed talking old times. After years of trucking am now working for the public school system.
Yeager, Ken (Tex)E5Mar 1, 1969 – Apr 23, 1971EngineeringWe worked hard and we played hard. Great crew just like family. Did some great jobs during Vietnam and went to some great ports like Hong Kong and Kobe Japan. My old buddies can email me @ .
Alfonso, GeorgeBM3Mar 15, 1969 – Dec 15, 1970DeckGreat shipmates, two years I would not trade for anything. Made some lasting friendships.
Richardson, Jim "Jr"RD2/DV2May 1969 – Dec 1969OPSGreetings to crew, from Triton Island, and the Norwich Victory. Film @ 11:00.
Kitchen, ArnoldEN3Jul 1969 – Jan 1973Engineering
Brockman, JimRM3Jul 26, 1969 – Apr 15, 1970OCMy second boat, a great crew and good friends
O'Connor, PjYN3Aug 1969 – May 1971EXECUTIVE
Wan Delken, Edward /wandaSeamanAug 1969 – Jan 1973OperationsCame aboard in Subic in 69,,two other WestPac's served under Capt.'s Nelson and Dalton two fine Officers, would do it again.What great ship and crew.
Brockman, JimRADIOMAN 3RD CLASSAug 15, 1969 – Apr 16, 1970OC
Cady, DarrylSEAMAN1970 – 1971I live in Raleigh,NC now for over 23 years e-mail is
O'Brien, Daniel/obE4Jan 1970 – Sep 1973ops/radioMostly good times. Lived with Larry, Wanda and Gippy in apt. in Waikiki. Hey Larry is Falcoon still running?? Think about you guys. Miss those good times.
Armstrong, DanRMSN RM3 RM2Feb 1970 – Jun 1973OpsI'll always have fond memories of my tour of duty on the Conserver and of those I served with. Always enjoy hearing from those who knew me.
Mahan, RobertARS 39Jun 1970 – Sep 1973OperationsHomeport Pearl Harbor Hawaii
Ralston, KenHT3Jul 1970 – Apr 1972HTI joined the reserves to stay out of Viet Nam and that was the third port that we were at Da Nang harbor don't regret a minute of the time spent in the Navy. I still stay in touch with Ken Bay He wondered about GBeach
Eckert, AllenIC1(ss)Aug 1970 – Aug 1972diver/deckGreat experience, best crew that I served with. Vietnam was a wild times with the ops off Vung tau and the tanker extraction off Triton island. A crew that knew how to pull liberty in all ports.
Wittich, Al WittichEN1Aug 1970 – Oct 1971M (B-1)Looking for Bob Belsha MMI (DV1) and wife Sandy. With our new Cat mains and gen's we had a super cruise in fall of 70. Made ENC before departing Conserver for 2nd tour at NAG, VN. Live in Tacoma, WA Amvets Post 5 member
Beach Jr., Albert GeorgeEN 3Sep 1970 – Jan 1974engineering onboard in taiwan september 1970 made two more off in subic bay January 1974...made some great friends.still keep in touch with some great guys from the conserver ..vaughn carl.....where are you ?????
Beach Jr., GeorgeEN 3Sep 1970 – Jan 1974engineeringgood friends and good times remember the crater festival ..still hangin with some guys from the conserver but still looking for vaughn carl.....where are you ? came aboard in taiwain sept 70 left in the pi jan 74....
Muller, PaulQM3Jan 8, 1971 – Jul 31, 1974OPSGreat memories. Romondo Davis, Craig Leonard. Chief Larose: the best there was. The sea is still the best home. Miss her a lot. Conserver was a great ship.
Dalton, GerardLCDRFeb 1971 – Dec 1972CO
Tempesta, Larry profile iconen2Aug 11, 1971 –engineeringl ooking for dan OB obrian donald gipy gibson wanda wandelcan richard DOC smith
Bailey, Paulsm21972 – 1973operationsi remember a lot of shipmates well. it would be nice to hear from some of you.
McDonald, Duncan profile iconENFN1972 – 1975B-1 Engine Room
Gossler, ScottEM1972 – 1975electrician shopI was the ships photographer (self assigned)
Davis, Romondo/daveEN2Jan 15, 1972 – Jun 15, 1975Engineering (B1, Logroom, Fuel and Water King)Great times with great friends. Still stay in touch with Ron Sykora, Roy Sykes, Scott Gossler, John Hilton, Paul Mueller. Also had contact with Russ Wiitala, Barry Shooltz, John Snow, Chief Larose. My son is an Arabic intrepter in the Navy.
Moscoso, Thomas/moRD1Feb 8, 1972 – May 9, 1975OpsCame on board after a 1 year tour in Nam, Left in '75 fot RTC San Diego, Retired 1985
Tempesta, Larry Putzen2Mar 15, 1972 – Jul 3, 1973engin roomIt was the best of times ,it was the worst of times. but I only remember the good times and all the friends I made,there was boonsfarm, OB, Wanda,Doc, gippy, agnew,it was the best time
Smith, HarryFireman/E4Oct 1, 1972 – Nov 30, 1975USS Conserver (ARS39)
Leonard, CraigQM3/DV1973 – Nov 1975Operations
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Hecht, Larry Genehtl/dv1973 – 1977r-divrpt aboard sk1 convered to ht, made cpo aboard. My 1st ship, remember welding fwd air scoop main deck, u/w. Recovering Koskiway (sp?) aoe anchor & chain from 2K ft off pearll harbor, hi. a yr as messdecks maa
Hylton, Johnboy1974 – 1976Conserver was the most fun of my life .I worked in B-1 with Romondo Davis a very fine person.I just wish I could do it again.Would love to here from any ship mates .Hey Ron White the comedian remember the fun on the fantail at night
Gabriel, WilliamRM2Jan 1974 – Feb 1975Ops/RadioHomeport - Pearl Harbor. "B" Piers. Completed WestPac May 1974. Great ship and crew. Miss the good times.
Hower, DaleET1May 1974 – May 1977OEAs a young ET fresh off a shore duty tour at Great Lakes, this was the first ship where I was responsible for the entire electronics suite with help from ETN3 John Peterson. A great learning experience for both of us.
Lash, Leland profile iconBMC(DV)Jul 8, 1974 – 1976Deck/Salvage/Sure do miss the Conserver, Made Chief whild on board and recieved a great initiation from my fellow Chiefs. Thanks to the chiefs in the goat locker.

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1967 | 1968 – 1974 | 1975 – 1981 | 1982 – 1988 | 1990 – now

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