US Navy Crew List

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USS Conserver (ARS 39) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Conserver (ARS 39). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 185 crew members registered for the USS Conserver (ARS 39).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1967 | 1968 – 1974 | 1975 – 1981 | 1982 – 1988 | 1990 – now

Willson, LawerenceEM1cJun 9, 1945 – Jun 9, 1945electricalCommisioning crew
O'Riley, Robert (Bob)EN3Aug 14, 1948 – Aug 31, 1949Engineering
Houston, JoeBM3Jul 3, 1950 – May 1, 1952deckAnyone who may have served aboard the Conserver mid 1950 thru mid 1952
Houston, JoeBM3Jul 7, 1950 – Aug 15, 1952DeckI went aboard ship in Pearl Harbor and the ship made a hurried departure in route to Korea by way of Japan. Our ship operated with Japanese and American mine sweepers in the Wonsan area.
Feuer, Robert (Bob)MEG2Aug 1950 – Apr 1952EngineeringI was called back for the Korean war after serving in WWll
Vanhoesen, Marion/vanEN3Jun 1951 – Jun 1954EngineeringCaught up with ship at Johnson Island. Served mostly around Japan and Korea with home port Pearl Harbor. The most memorable non-combat trip I remember was being the first US ship up the river to Bangkok Thailand. Many more mem and exp.
Smith, JackEN1(DV)1952 – 1955E
Kruempel, BerylEND 2/CJun 17, 1952 – Sep 3, 1954Engineering
Friebel, WaltRM3Sep 1952 – Jun 1955RadioI was on the ship when the Caloosahatchie was docked in Scotland and a large fight broke out in the ballroom. The first class Bosen Mate was named Bull and was arrested. He was ships company. Many more stories.
Welsh, GeorgeEMFA/EMFN/EM3Aug 8, 1954 – Jul 20, 1956engineeringthe sternest,most hardworking men i ever was my honor to serve aboard with men like squarehead and spivey and chief em NUNN and donald mott. all of you set an example of the us navy.GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU
Pennington, DelE5 ETNDec 15, 1956 – Jan 6, 1960OperationsI am still in contact with radarman Moon. Don't know where any other crew are.
Costa, ManuelEMFN1957 – 1958EChief EM Nunn was in charge. IC2 Turk BM3 Osterberg, CS 3 Fleming Jack in the dust. Cant remember any others . 30 ft ground swells off of Barbers Point my first day Sick wanted to die but CPO Nunn ordered me in the bilg
Morelan, BruceBT3May 1958 – Feb 1961Ah the memories, 3 westpac cruises, survived the typhoon outta Buckner Bay, Ok in 59. The great BBQ.s on the aft deck with fresh fish and longuster supplied by the diving gang. Didn't wanr ro leave but I made BT2 and was transfered..Damn
Parker, RobertEM 3 P11959 – Apr 1959Engineering Anyone remember the typhoon evasion taskforce consisting of an LST, next 1000 yds ARS-39, next, 1000 yds, an ATF. Off to port was an AO in charge "til our nav told the Capt. we were headed into the typhoon. WHATARIDE!
Baker, JohnRD31959 – 1961Operations
Steele, Jack (John)EN-3Jan 1959 – Jun 1962EngineroomsFond memories:Keehi beach,1st Westpac tour,Atomic bombs tests off Xmas island,Typhoon Nancy-China sea,Pioneer Muse aground-island off Japan,up Columbia river to Portland,Or.,Good ball teams for our size,Best cook in fleet,Shellback day.
Murphy, JoeYEOMAN 2ND CLASSFeb 1959 – Aug 1961
Houghton, JonRM2Jan 1960 – Jun 1961Good crew/officers. A very well run ship. Westpac 1960 and 61.
Dollarhide, FrankMR3Jan 1, 1960 – Aug 15, 1962west pacWant to talk to any and all that were on the Connie (Conserver). I was the machinist. It was a Great time in my life and have information that may be helpfull to others.
Hazard, Dennis (Denny)SFP3Apr 6, 1960 – Jun 22, 1962RGreat ship and a great crew. The WESPAC cruises were out of this world and who can forget OPERATION DOMINIC l, the A bomb tests off Christmas Island. Even ole Pearl Harbor was fun. Great memories of days gone by...........
Thompson, Ronald Neal profile iconIC3/IC2Jun 1960 – Apr 1961Anyone who remembers my father please contact me He was lost at sea while serving on board USS Wasp, December 1968.
Oncale, Eugene (Gene) profile iconEn2 (DV)Mar 15, 1962 – Mar 30, 1966EngineeringGood times on the Connie Maru. Three Westpac trips Johnson island channel blasting and good old USS Knox salvage in 1965.
Geldert, DaleSM31963 – 1964BridgeOne WestPac Cruise - Pulled a Jeep Carrier off of a reef in the Philippines - Sigalman - Worked for Ruttledge Qm2 - Lamb & Goodale skipper and XO - Brother, Roland, was also on the Conserver (Gunnersmate)
Griffin, DavidRMCMay 15, 1963 – Mar 15, 1966DeckYes I was Blown coral heads at Johnson Island, Frank Knox job Prattis Reef, Refloated a Philippine LSM in Luzon. Looked for a brass anchor dropped by a MSO west of Hokkaido. Rescued many ships in distress, DIW"S, Etc.
Clark, LarryBM2/PO2/DV1964 – 1968DeckJust reaching out to guys I might have served and dived with during the years 1965-1968.
Bourbonnais, TomE 1Sep 1, 1964 – Dec 1, 1964engine room, messcookLooking for anyone who served on ship when we were in Johnston Island blowing the channel for bigger ships to get in. or 308 226 8228 Tom Bourbonnais
Nielsen, Dee Nielsen (Nelly) profile iconBM2 (DV)Nov 9, 1964 – May 13, 1965deckHated Hawaii loved the ship
Zeinner, FredEN3Nov 29, 1964 – Oct 20, 1966B1 and B2 Engine RoomsFrom Ohio but Went to Houston TX (40 years) After the Navy - Mechanical Engineer retired from Petro Chem Ind. Now living in Hatley Mississippi.
Fisher, PerryYN31965 – 1968Operations (Ship's Office)Served under Captian Hilder and Captian Goodale. Many great memories from those days. Have joined but most of those guys are from more recent crews. Enjoyed seeing names from my era.
Hoadley, Steveem3Jul 1965 – Sep 1967electric shopI am looking for dale vanfleet en,lived portland,also frank guzman he lived in new mexico or arizona.would enjoy talking to you guys.also remember fred zeinner en would like to talk to you
Rosander, Clarence, Cisco Or RosieRM3Aug 1965 – Aug 1967us navy
Adams, Alfred profile iconET3Sep 10, 1965 – Jan 16, 1968OperationsServed as Elect Tech (ET3) under Commander Hilder (Capt) & Ops Officer LTJG Blackledge. Made one Wespac, In 1968 turned down ET2 to return to civ life. Retired from LB NavalShipyard Supv. Electronic Dept. in 1997.
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Nielsen, Dee Nielsen (Nelly) profile iconBM2 (DV)Nov 2, 1965 – Jul 1, 1966DECK
Starck, ThomasET21966 – Feb 1969OperationsI served aboard as lead electronics technician and made two WestPac cruises. Anyone who knows me, please get in touch.
Guillen, NickBM3Mar 1, 1966 – Aug 18, 1969DeckSailed on 3 west-pac tours, set plenty of "beach gear".
Dorn, RogerSK2Aug 1966 – 1968SupplyA very memorable part of my life. Made two West Pac cruises at about 13 knots. Chief Jack, are you out there?
Hovermale, HootRM3Aug 1, 1966 – Sep 23, 1969Radio CommunicationsI served aboard the USS Conserver through 2 Westpac Cruises under LCDR C.N. Goodale who was a helluva Captain. Of the crewmembers onboard I still remain friends with Wilson Parish - and remember Thomas Stark, Yarzebenski & more.
Esping, Wayne1967 – Aug 1968Ship's Office
Maneely, Daniel profile iconRD31967 – 1970OpsMade Three Trips to West-Pac, Two Under Captain Goodale, One Under Nelson.Hope To Hear From Some Of You Old Guys, course We're All Old Now. I Just Heard From Nick (Piggy). I Found Hoots Profile Hope To Hear from Him. Ok
Chavez, GeorgeSFM21967 – 1968ARS conserved 39Came aboard the USS Conserver ARS 39 from the USS Safeguard ARS 25 in1967 to 1968 then Discharged fr the Conserver in Pearl Harbor, was a great experience being on 2 ARS Diving Ships,some good memories ,except Names
Maneely, Daniel (Danny,mac)RD3May 1967 – Dec 1970OppsAny Of The Crew I Sailed With
Beckman, David LCS3Sep 1967 – Jun 1970SupplyOne of the best ships Lots of good times and memories

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1967 | 1968 – 1974 | 1975 – 1981 | 1982 – 1988 | 1990 – now

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