US Navy Crew List

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USS Repose (AH 16) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Repose (AH 16). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 138 crew members registered for the USS Repose (AH 16).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1965 | 1966 – 1967 | 1968 – 1969 | 1970 – now

Shannon, JoeHM21968 – 1969Hospital CompanyMy name is Joe Shannon. I was an OR Tech on the USS REPOSE. I was just diagnosed with Parkinson's and am trying to get help from the Veteran's Services. I need to find someone that remembers me stepping foot on to Vietnam soil.
McGuire, MacHMCJan 2, 1968 – Dec 1969OPTICAL SHOP
Rember, William (Frank)E-7 MMCJan 5, 1968 – Dec 31, 1968A ChiefRetired MMCM 1976 from FMAG-Norfolk, Va.
Stovey, DonaldE3 firemanMar 1968 – 1970engine roomi need proof that I was on land in vietnam from time served. I went on land to attend party at wonder beach. can anybody who was there at this time contact me. Don Stovey 608-735-4125 or 608-778-3630. Thank You
Thomas Brockman, BrockHM2Apr 1968 – Apr 1969Intensive care UnitAlso USNH Guam 1966-1968. Workers B2 and Pediatric ward.
Edler, JonHM2Jun 1, 1968 – Jul 1, 1969HOSPITALI worked on ward C-6
Farnsworth, JoeHM3Aug 1968 – Sep 1969Orthopedics and Chief of Medicines Office
Calvert, Ronald Or CalRM2Aug 1968 – Jul 1969CommunicationsJoe Shannon any one reporting to the Repose must have been at camp Ten Sha DaNang before going aboard. Plus the beach parties in DaNang harbor and by the DMZ. Any one on the beach made contact with agent orange get ckd..
Wells, RichardE1Aug 1968 – 1969Engine room BT
Lee, JimCS 3Aug 14, 1968 – Aug 4, 1969SupplyI am trying to reach John Redmond CS2. Also Tom Green CS3.
Albrecht, RogerRM2Sep 1968 – Sep 1969OperationsOur Captain was the best. Enjoyed the hull inspections.
Ferrara, RichardSH / SNSep 1, 1968 – Sep 1, 1969S-2Spent most of the tour in officers barber shop and small stores
Fazekas, Nicholas (John)Dental Tech 2nd ClassSep 5, 1968 – Jul 1969DentalI worked with Capt Ellis making implants for reconstruction surgery and assisted in dental surgery. I remember the beach parties and the landing craft making circles around the ship with garbage cans.
Downing, Donhm3Oct 1968 – Oct 1969hospitalOR Tech mainly Thoracic surgery
Manell, ThomasAH 161969 – 1970HM 2 worked on Ward C6 rode the ship back to San Francisco Hope to see crew mates in Branson, Mo Sept 5-9 2007
Riddle, RichardHM31969 – 1970Medical SupplyServed aboard the USS Repose AH 16 off Vietnam '69-'70. I was a member of the Medical Supply un the command of LT Null. I was responsible and planned the only "missing patent" to land by helo aboard the Repose. It was myself and
Hans, RonaldHM31969 – 1970hospital
Blessing, Dick E.HM1Jan 1969 – Dec 1969HLab Technician. Pathologist was LT Ralph Otto
Kappen, James (Cap)HM3Jan 1969 – Mar 1970Operating RoomWorked as an OR Tech;Great memories,wonderful shipmates.Great Carear
Beeson, JamesHM3Jan 7, 1969 – Jan 7, 1970HospitalI was senior corpsman for ward C-3 for the last 6 months of my tour.
Beeson, JamesHM3Jan 7, 1969 – Jan 7, 1970Hospital CorpsI am retired, a Commander of VFW. I was Senior Corpsman of C-3 Surgical ward 1969 on the USS Repose.
Jackson, James "mark"HM2Jan 10, 1969 – Feb 3, 1970Patient Affairs
Haywood, William ClarkeDT1Feb 1969 – Feb 1970Dental ServiceI think this was my best duty station during my tour in service.
Davidson, Mike profile iconHM3Mar 1969 – Dec 1969HospitalI was assigned as Inhalation Therapy Tech I had to open and learn to operate the MA1 Ventilator that some one before me ordered. I then was assigned to Anesthesiology as a tech where I spent the rest of my time.
Mooningham, TomHM3Mar 8, 1969 – Apr 30, 1970HServed in urology and international ward as the cook. Retired in 89" as HMC (FMF). Still looking for Tim Roberts, remember he married the girl in PI. Check out the USSREPOSE group on yahoo.
Mobley, WilliamHM3Mar 28, 1969 – Apr 20, 1970SurgeryOR tech worked mostly in Neurosurgery
Davis, ChuckHM2Apr 1969 – May 1970Medical PhotographyServed as medical photographer. Visit my USS Repose web site at:
Oxboel, PeterHM3Apr 1969 – May 1970Eye Ear Nose and ThroatLots of good times both at work and play. Things I remember, Mail Bouy Watch, Lost Anchors, Hull Inspections, Beach Parties, Subic, Danang Hotel, USO Shows.the Typhoon and sailing back to San Francisco.
Kachenmeister, JohnHM3May 1969 – Mar 1970HospitalInternational Ward
Ditzler, LarryHM3Jun 1969 – Jun 1970hospitalAnybody remember the young boy with a grenade in his leg? I carried his stretcher, looking for the another corpsman who helped me. Also X-ray tech, and Surgeons who were there. email 208-473-4460
Wade, PhilHM2Jul 1969 – May 1970Pharmacy
Yoder, JohnHM3Jul 1969 – May 1970HospitalI served on the Urology Ward, humped a lot of stretchers and chiped a lot of paint. I visited Subic Bay 3 times, enjoyed R&R in Sydney and the cruise home via Hawaii. I'm happy to be alive and retired back in the World
Sowa, Richard (Dick)RM3Jul 1969 – Mar 1970OperationsBesides the radio shack, I also ran the ham radio station and often ran phone patches for crew and patients.
Billon, WayneHM3Jul 7, 1969 – May 1970Ward C-4 ICULooking for corpsmenn nurses, physicians, I served with on C-4.
Grigg, JamesHM2Jul 9, 1969 – May 10, 1970Hospital - Urology
Fuller, TedYNSNJul 30, 1969 – Aug 17, 1970Ship's office- Chaplain's AssistantI just received a 1 hour 37 minute DVD transcription of films taken by a nurse during her service on the Repose. They were taken before I was on the ship, but it still brought back mostly very good memories.
White, Robert/bobHM3Aug 1969 – Jul 1970Patient AffairsGreetings to the night crew, Mark, Jeff and Peter
Natale, JohnYEOMAN E-4Aug 18, 1969 – Oct 18, 1970M - Engineering Though I served in ship's company primarily as the Engineering Office Yeoman, it only took a quick look at the 1969 cruise book to remember the four of you from hospital company signed in on this site.
McColley, Robert (Jerry) (mac)HM2Nov 1969 – May 1970Hospital (Triage)Have good memories of this short tour of duty. I am now retired and have joined the American Legion and The Fleet Reserve Association (FRA). I stayed with my Medical Career at Kaiser Hospitals in California.
Bailey, Greghm-3Nov 10, 1969 – Jun 5, 1970hospital crewarrived nov 1969 on the Repose and rode her back to the states for decommissioning (which did not happen until late), worked on various wards, played a lot of poker
Bowen, WilliamEM3Nov 25, 1969 – Nov 1970E DIVISIONPast Repose reunions have been great . I would like to see another
Mulligan, James /jimHNNov 27, 1969 – May 28, 1970HospitalI am searching for all the late comers that came around the end of Nov.69 and rode the ship all the way to Long Beach. I was a Neuro Psychiatric Corpsman. Greg Bailey get in touch if you read.
Lyall, JefferyFNDec 1969 – Nov 1970M divisionCame aboard 12/69, stayed through decommissioning and conversion to hospital annex, the member of detachment maintaining ship. Left in 11/70 for USS Passumpsic. AO-107. Made MM3, went to WestPac, got out in 10/71.

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1965 | 1966 – 1967 | 1968 – 1969 | 1970 – now

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