US Navy Crew List

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USS America (CV 66) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS America (CV 66). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 2922 crew members registered for the USS America (CV 66).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 – 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 – now

Smith, Thomas L. , IIIENLISTED1974 – 1976Hello, This is actually my brother's name, who served on the ship from 1974-76. Tommy worked the elevators I think during his tenure. Anyone knowing him, please email!! He got sick in Naples, Italy, and never returned to active duty.
McDonald, ChuckMMFA1974 – 1975MWorked in 3MMR. Can't say it was always fun.
Bridges, BruceEM21974 – May 5, 1977E
Smith, ForrestAMH-11974 – 1976VF-142 Master of Arm in the mess deck and ship
William C. Smith Jr, SmittyFA1974 – 1976firemanI am searching for some of my friends from the Uss America. I live in Memphis, Tennessee. I do not remember his first name but J. Gerst is one of the people I am looking for.
Allen, TomABE31974 – 1975V2 cat 1I'd love to hear from any of my past V2 crew members.
Vasselo, Tony ( Peg )EM2Jan 1974 – May 2, 1977EC&E Shop was the place to be on the America!
Floyd, Timothy (Pinky)AT-3Jan 1974 – Aug 1974VAQ-133I enjoy my time on America. I met alot of friends I will never forget. Best time of my life! MAY AMERICA REST IN PEACE
Hoyt, CraigAT2Jan 1974 – Oct 1976VF-142
Wessel, MarkEMFNJan 1974 – Jun 1977E2 Meds N. Atlantic GITMO (that sucked) 1 mo early out (wish I went to RIO)
Harrell, JerryRadioman Second ClassJan 1974 – Jan 1976Communications
Harris, LesterE-2 / Boiler TechJan 1974 – Jul 1974B
Salazar, LuisADJANJan 1, 1974 – Sep 1, 1974VF-143Attacted to VF-143 Pukin Dogs. If anybody knows the where abouts of any other please e-mail thank you. 73-75
Kirkland, J. C.DS1Jan 1, 1974 – Aug 17, 1977OZ and Supply
Carpenter, DavidABE3Jan 1, 1974 – Aug 7, 1975 Enjoyed the Med cruise in '74 and playing rugby for the Norfolk Irish while we were in the yards in '75. Sorry to hear it was sunk as a target, last saw it from a freeway bridge in Philly back in '02.
Daniels, MichaelHM2Jan 2, 1974 – May 26, 1975Hhad some great times
Gindhart, RussellADJ2Jan 3, 1974 – Aug 4, 1974VAQ133
Painter, KennethJan 3, 1974 – Aug 3, 1974vf-142a most memorable cruse. was tad to vent shop to start then went to flight deck as plain capt. whould love to hear from anyone.
Croze, DouglasABH3Jan 4, 1974 – Jun 12, 1977V-3Worked in the hanger deck. finsihed up as hanger deck yellow shirt
Hillman, Chuck profile iconMM3Jan 4, 1974 – May 4, 1977ALeft Navy after 12 years as MMCSW. Retired civil Service after 22 year career at MARMC managing Engineering Maintenance programs.
Palmer, James (Jimbo)DS1Jan 18, 1974 – Nov 23, 1977IOIC OZ divI'm dissapointed a ship with the name "America" was sunk instead of used for tourism. I would have loved to show my wife and kids where I worked. I'm happy people are adding there names to the crew list, I found two.
Yarbrough, RussellABF3Feb 4, 1974 – 1975V4I hope to hear from some of the guys that was on ship with me.
Sheldon, JeffreyGMT2Feb 16, 1974 – Feb 23, 1977WGreat to serve on such a fine ship.
Sheldon, JeffreyGMT2Feb 20, 1974 – Feb 26, 1977WSpent many fine times aboard, made 2 meds, 1 north Atl and nursed her through the yards. Sorry to hear of her sinking, but she proved her value even in death. Better that she went doing some good for the Navy, than just rusting away at the dock..
Gongre, LesAO2Feb 28, 1974 – Feb 28, 1978VA-15 AO shop
Jones, Tim "Salt"ABHANMar 1974 – Oct 1977V1Looking for old friends,had a great time working on the flight deck, with several excellent shipmates.
Nagy, John (Nag)BTFNMar 1974 – Dec 1976B
Wurster, WalterBT 2Mar 1, 1974 – Sep 16, 1977B
Kuhlmann, AlDP3Mar 10, 1974 – Jun 20, 1977S-7Reported as an 18-year-old E-2 while she was anchored at Athens. Made two Med Cruises and one to the North Atlantic (man, was that cold and rough). Due to fuel shortages, we spent plenty of time in Spanish, Italian, and Greek ports.
Obrian, ObeGMMSNMar 14, 1974 – Jun 15, 1978Weapons Division
Townsend, Tom / Big TSM2Mar 20, 1974 – Sep 9, 1977CommunicationsI remember all the good times onboard and on the beach. Graet friends were made but sorry to say since my discharge have lost contact with all. Pray and hope they are allright and enjoying their lives fully.
Sheely, JamesADJ3Apr 1974 – Mar 1978VA187Was a jet mech on A7 with TF41 and worked on TF30
Stout, Doug profile iconDS1Apr 1974 – Dec 1977OZLooking for some old shipmates - found two on this site already!
Howell, LamarOS2Apr 1974 – Jul 1977CIC divisionI remember Chaplain Dean Cook and many friends in the Christian fellowship group. Trash bobbing up and down in the wake, thousands of stars at night, refueling, exploring the entire ship, playing chess, shore leave. :)
Spitaliere, John SpatsABE1Apr 3, 1974 – Mar 6, 1977v2 arresting gearlooking for old buddies
McAlister, BertIC2Apr 9, 1974 – Dec 30, 1976V-2Definitely my best time in the Navy. We had a great crew, and the ship was in excellent condition. I relish the distinction of serving aboard when she was a CVA and CV. Loved flight OPS. Favorite squadron call sign - Commanche Trail of RVAH-1.
Huffman, LarryPNSN/PN3May 1974 – Mar 15, 1976X Division/Personnel OfficeMy service on the America seems like a lifetime ago because it truly was. Have nothing but fond memories of my Naval service and all the great shipmates I served with. We were all so young and full of life. God bless you
Miranda, RolandBM3May 8, 1974 – Jul 23, 1978boat crew
Nygren, Jeff profile iconEM3/EM2Jun 1974 – Aug 1977EC&E Shop. My kids say I'm deaf; I blame catapault #4.
Murphy, RichardMM2Jun 1974 – Jun 1976A-3HELLO HEllo Hello Is there anybody in/there out there?
Tipps, Stephen "Waldo"DP2Jun 1, 1974 – Nov 30, 1978OZI will miss not having the oportunity to visit the ship again. I did visit the USS Lexington in Texas and the smell brought back all the memories.
Du Bose, JeffPH3Jul 1974 – Jan 1978OPNot much good to say. So I'll just remember some good people I met.
Cardona, GaryHT3Jul 1974 – Dec 1975R-1I was in the Shipfitter Shop. Made E-4 while onboard. Been in touch with only one other member since I was discharged. Any of you guys still out there?
Walden, LarryADJ2Jul 1974 –VQ2 DetachmentMar 74, I stood on the flight deck watched an EA3B on final catch the wire and go over the side all aboard made it out picked up by helo
Wagner, EdFTM3Jul 27, 1974 – Dec 20, 1974FOX
Coyne, JohnE4Jul 28, 1974 – Jul 28, 1977CATCCWhat a Life experience. Met so many friends not only on the ship but in other countries.So sad to see the America decommisioned and sunk.Lotta memories on that ship.
Williams, Little Willierm3Jul 30, 1974 – Jul 30, 1978cr divisionhey man, how are you doing do you remember me and are you still living in 'E" town let me know
Carson, Curtis Ros3Aug 1974 – Jul 1978CICI got onboard 1974 , made 2 med cruises. rio de janeiro, gitmo, and had 4 yrs. of fun. Would love to do it all again. retired with 24 yrs of service.(not all Navy) I'd love to hear from my old buddies!!(Larry Forgette, Jeff Stillwell,etc.)
Drew, RobertEMCAug 5, 1974 – Feb 18, 1977ECPOIC of the C&E shop and then Electrical Distribution. We had a great crew of electricians and I will always remember my time aboard the America. It will be a sad day when she is gone.
Cole, CalvinAG2Aug 5, 1974 – May 12, 1976OALeft the service in Spring of and then into the civilian world of work. Retired in 2015. Live in Durham, NC.
Ujcic, JeffABF3Aug 10, 1974 – Jun 9, 1978V-4 Aviation FuelsGreat times on 2 Med cruises, and a cruise to South America (Brazil ) Any former ship mates out there, please contact me !!!!!!!!
Williams, SteveRM2Aug 25, 1974 – Mar 3, 1976Communications
Porter, MichaelMS2Aug 29, 1974 – Aug 29, 1977S5the america was my best adventure
Hobbs, TomAQ2Sep 1974 – Dec 1978IM3, Shop 4
Price, RandyMM3Sep 1974 – May 1978M - Div
Paulette, GaryPT3Sep 4, 1974 – Aug 13, 1978OZBunch-O-Meds, a few Gitmo's and 1 Brazil..... Never would change a thing.
Coyne, JohnE4Sep 10, 1974 – Jul 20, 1977OC/CATCC/ATOHad the best time visiting all those places.I wanna say thanks to Watson,Buck,Gannon,Wil and Nelson for helping me back to the boat on numerous occasions.That beer from Brazil will getcha everytime
Lucas, Robert (Bud)E3Sep 15, 1974 – May 15, 1976executiveLost contact over the years with all shipmates and friends. If you served during this period please email.
Brandon, MarkE2Sep 22, 1974 – Jul 22, 1977crhad good time should of stayed on
Kleinmaier, GuenterADJ2Oct 1974 – Mar 1974RVAH-1Lots of shore patrol in Athens, Tulone, Barcelona and Valencia
Swislow, Alan (Swiss)IC2Oct 1974 – Aug 1975E
Proctor, PaulSNGMTOct 1974 – Sep 1975Special WeaponsStarted my Navy career on board.
Curtis, DannySNOct 1974 –communications
Mears, BeauE4Oct 10, 1974 – Sep 23, 1978VA-87 Golden Eagles squadronMade 2 Med cruises on the USS America CV-66 One cruise to South America to Rio we spent time in Yuma AZ. Pueto Rico for awhile. Like to re-connect with fellow Goldebn warriors. I have great memories of some great men
Woolford, CharlieHM3Oct 11, 1974 – Jul 24, 1976HWhat a ride! Had some good times and met some great people. Medical work was interesting and I learned a lot. We did a lot of work but made up for it with a ton of fun!
Phillips, Mark P.E-4, CS... WAS SWITCHED TO MMSNov 1974 – Aug 1, 1975S - 2Served on Her after "A" School. Onboard in Norfolk, Traveled up Portsmouth River to PNSY, Drydocked. Left the ship, and the service. Should have fought hard and stayed in. My heart was with the guys and the SHIP, all throughout my life.
Storms, Rickbt3Nov 1974 – Jul 1977b
Miller, JamesMMFNNov 1974 – Jul 1, 1975MI finished my tour of duty on the America after my previous duty ship was decommissioned. The America was in drydock the entire time in Portsmouth, VA. Still a very memorable time for me!
Rehfeld, MikeABH2Nov 15, 1974 – Jul 31, 1978V-1 & V-3Had a great time and now that I look back, wish I would have done some things differently and stayed in.
Phillips, Mark P.PO3/MMSNov 21, 1974 – Aug 1, 1975S-2was CS/SD rating; Changed to Mess Management Specialist.
Nicklas, MarkASEM3Dec 1974 – Sep 1978AIMD/GSEWorked in the Combat Air Start Section. Had a great time work with Soup, Tiny, Worm, Gus, Hicks & Chumley
Harding, RogerGMM#Dec 1974 – Oct 1977GMLots of fond memories of a great ship and great crew
Ledet, RussellPH 1Dec 1974 – May 1976OPRetired in 1980, I moved back home to Houston TX. I Retired from Western Geo and moved to DeRidder La. in 2007. I had a stroke in 2013 and learned that I had CLL Leukemia, a present from Vietnam. Now living in Chattanooga
Van Meter, RobertAK1Dec 4, 1974 – Sep 1, 1979S-6No more boats for me!!! This was enough crusing for me for a life time.
Ward, Richard (Rik) profile iconABH 3Dec 21, 1974 – Oct 17, 1978V32 Med. cruses. Rio cruse becoming a Shell back 1977. V3 Red shirt 1 year. Yellow shirt Director 3 years. Completed 612 accident free moves during last Med cruse setting new V3 record
Glass, DeanGMM3Dec 27, 1974 – Aug 23, 1977GMWish I would have stayed in, Miss the ole girl and my ship mates. Spent a lot of time in the starboard and port missle house.

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