US Navy Crew List

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USS Forrestal (CV 59) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Forrestal (CV 59). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 2097 crew members registered for the USS Forrestal (CV 59).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1955 | 1956 – 1958 | 1959 – 1960 | 1961 – 1962 | 1963 – 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 – 1969 | 1970 | 1971 – 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 – 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 – now

O'Neill, EugeneAOC1971 – Nov 4, 1974G - Assembly and Magazine CrewRetired and piped over the side on 4 November 1974
Davidson, James/daveFIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICER1971 – 1971Radarman OIThe Dectectors 1971 Mediterranean Cruise This is my father he was also on the Iwo Jima,and the Hunington in for 9 yrs spent last 8mo as SP in N.F.BASE
Shanks, RobertE-4/CPL1971 – 1971VMCJ-2/ USMCSpent the frist 6 months on her before crossdecking to the Sara. for a full 11 month deployment Had a great time in the Med. Seen alot and Done alot and proud of it.
Andersen, David AndersenDAVID ANDERSEN1971 – 1972OC
Lawson, DannyAO31971 – 1972AIMDServed with CPO George Hale and AO1 Sam Goodlet, Pat Pascal, Ted Newton, Bob Tooley and more. I was proud to be part of Uncle Sams Canoe Club
Madden, MikeE-31971 – 1973A Div. YeomanI remember being 18 walking aboard.... First assignment was "kitchen" making salads. "What a bowl". Ended up in Engineering "A": Div. as yeoman. Had my nose broken in a smoker by an airdale. I hope everyone is doing well
O'Dower, JohnMM21971 – 1972MSpent the tour in Portsmouth then got stuck aboard because of the fire in the Admiral's Quarters
Cowley, RickCS-31971 – Aug 1973S2I wish the ship was going to be a museum and not turned into scrap.
Covey, Dave profile iconAT-21971 –AvionicsProud to have served on the Forrestal. I made some good friends and had some very interesting times. It seems as if we were in dry-dock for a very long time., James MooreABE31971 – 1974v2 (WASTE CATS/GEAR RAT)Good times, great travel locations, and many good friends from a lifetime ago. Worked in waist cats water break room and the the JBD above deck, then later worked below decks as a Gear Rat running one of the engines.
Johnson, WarrenSN1971 –A
Arney, DelAK Chief1971 – 1973Aviation Storekeeper SupplyIs was an AK 3rd cCass Petty officer while onboard but retired as a Chief in 1996
Brockhoff, KimADJ3Jan 1971 – Mar 1974VA-85Did two Med. cruises with VA-85 working in powerplants and the flightdeck troubleshooters. Great ship and good times!!!!
Theroux, WayneAQJan 1971 – Dec 1973GM DivisonWas the best time of my life, Loved everything plus my friends that I made Frenchi, Fred, Pete (god rest his soul) I still miss seeing everyone. I miss playing guitar in the nytro locker just off of the hang deck.
Theroux, WayneAQ Seaman 1stJan 1971 – Dec 1973GM Division
Breslin, William Billadj-3Jan 1971 – Jul 2, 1971Hs-3I made the 1971 Med cruise, got out on arrival in Norfolk. Good times.
Riffel, RodAZ3Jan 1971 – Jul 1971HS-3
Scott, AlanAC1 (Retired ACC 12/82)Jan 1, 1971 – Mar 1, 1973OCLPO - 2 Med Cruises. Met my bride in May 1973 in Athens, Greece, visiting fm Ireland w/2 girl friends. Retired 1982 ACC to a wonderful managerial career as an HR Manager. Two children & wonderful memories of CVA-59.
Potter, KennyMU2/E5Jan 2, 1971 – Jun 30, 1971XI served in the ship's band. The band was assigned to the ship's X Division.We played at ship functions, taking on supplies, change of commands, parades and social events all across the Mediterranian Ports. We also helped with CIC watches.
Grienenberger, JohnABH- ANJan 14, 1971 – Mar 8, 1974V-3Hung around with Jose Lopez, Ed Habrack.. others. Was ABH Weatherburn still a sorry jerk after I left ? And.... Who was that midget Chief ? No.. seriously, Some damn good times. Retired San Diego PD Homicide, now living in Scottsville, KY.
Lynn, TommyAT3Jan 17, 1971 – Sep 1, 1972HS-3Short time, but what an expeience. I remember the 1st F-14 Launch
Heydenberk, RichardIC PO3Feb 1971 – Feb 1973ElectricalI spent my entire active duty requirement on the Forrestal. IC was a critical rate at the time, I got out about 15 minutes early. I doubt there was an area on the ship I have not been to... Except the brig.
Smothers, Curt profile iconCWO-2Feb 20, 1971 – Sep 30, 1974XForrestal was my first sea duty as a newly appointed warrant officer. I served as Engineering Department Admin Assistant and later as Personnel Officer. The big fire that delayed our Med cruise by 6 weeks was exciting.
Merris, PatrickMM3Mar 1971 – Jul 19742MMR and A AC&R shopMade 3 cruises. Was let off on Corfu and hitch a ride back from there to states via Souda Bay, Siganelli, Naples, Rota, and Madrid. Next time I saw her was from a plane flying into Baltimore in 97. Hope she does better than the America.
Lancia, Ralph/ratE3Mar 1971 – Feb 1973EANY shipmate can contact me if they desire at
Mummert, Davide-4/5Mar 22, 1971 – Jun 9, 1974bhad a blast saw the world just like they said met some great folks norm haley ormo mike patten bobby himeral me at
Solbakken, SteveOS3Mar 31, 1971 – Jul 4, 1974OIServed with a great bunch of guys who worked and played hard together. I joined the FID midway thru the 71 cruise, endured a year in drydock/ the fire of 72, then did the 72-73 marathon cruise. I left when we were in Palma in July 74.
Smith, DanAB3Apr 7, 1971 – Apr 11, 1975V2LOOKING FOR JOE DURA FROH PHILLY
Cox, Conny Raye-3Apr 8, 1971 – May 12, 1974s-2looking for old crew mates
Aros, JimOS3Jun 1971 – Dec 1972OII am retired, and am available if any of my old shipmates want to contact me.
Goodacre, DavidPO3Jun 15, 1971 – Dec 17, 1973NavigationI worked with a lot of good people during my time om board.
Haynes, Jr., EmmettHNJun 21, 1971 – Dec 12, 1971medical
Shelby, James DavidAAJul 11, 1971 – Mar 3, 1975V1Worked flight deck crew Fly 2 10-71 till 3-75
Blatt, MikeHM3/HM2Aug 1971 – Nov 1974MedicalExcept for being in ship yard when I got to the ship it was a great experience.
Esposito, TonyPT3Sep 1971 – Jan 1975OZ IOICLooking for shipmates, drop me a line at
Johnson, RjAkanSep 1971 – Feb 1974S6I served on board the USS FORRESTAL from 1971 74 in S6 division. I met some of the best friends. Some of us has gotten together for a reunio . We've had 2 so far. Our next reunion is August 18 19 20 21 -2016 I. N.O.La. .
Edwards, PierreAX-2Sep 1, 1971 – May 1, 1974AIMDHS-3 deployed on the Forrestal many times. I loved the ship and have many fond memories of my time on board.
Rose, RobertAO3Sep 14, 1971 – May 31, 1973g divisiong division training petty officer; berthed with main deck shop crew.
Cannon, GlenAKANSep 20, 1971 – Dec 7, 1972AIMD
Smith, Eric SmithE-4Sep 22, 1971 – Jun 10, 1974S-3
Lathrop, PeterYN3Oct 10, 1971 – Oct 30, 1975Engineering Log RoomWhen I first reported onboard the Forrestal, I was assigned to the Scullery. After that, I worked in the Engineering Log Room as Yeoman. W-1 Stuart was my mentor.
Tryon, PatrickE-3Nov 1971 –VT-9 NAS Meridain
Lanuto, RalphFNR E-3Dec 1971 – Nov 1973BGood times #4mmr great Med cruise. Still working for the Navy 2007
Banks, BillLI-3Dec 5, 1971 – Aug 1975X Div.Work in the Print Shop from Jan. 71 to Aug. 75. I was there during Peoples Day that was a great day off from work. Made 3 meds one was 10 months long after the fire on JUly 10th 1972 03 level.
Peffer, PeffEM3Dec 14, 1971 – Dec 10, 1973E Divsion..Power shopHad many good times and met good people. My experience helped when I got out. It was always fun for me. Put in long hours but time went fast. Worked for chief hedgecock and em1 ouellette. Great crew.
Nutter, JackET1Dec 16, 1971 – Dec 6, 1972OEI came aboard the night the second fire started in the Admirals quarters and spread to CIC. It was an interesting time...cutting holes in the ship to get radar consoles out and training school consoles in...

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1955 | 1956 – 1958 | 1959 – 1960 | 1961 – 1962 | 1963 – 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 – 1969 | 1970 | 1971 – 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 – 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 – now

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